Optical microsystems and nanotechnologies
Enrollment status: full-time
Duration: 2 years
Qualification: Master Degree
Price: 122 000 RUB per year
The program refers to the field of synthesis and study of micro-optics and nanophotonics components; design and technology of microelectromechanical systems; synthesis, study and characterization of nanomaterials. Hi-tech equipment is used for students learning. After graduated the students are gotten advanced fabrication and material characterization skills. Courses are delivered by lecturers, invited from the leading research centers.
Brief characterisation of the programme
The program allows preparing highly qualified professional in fields of micro- and nanodevices design and technology such as synthesis and study of micro-optics and nanophotonics components; design and technology of microelectromechanical systems; synthesis, study and characterization of nanomaterials.
Features (advantages) of the programme
Helium-Cadmium laser, Universal scanning probe microscope INTEGRA Tomo, Scanning Electron Microscope Quanta 200 with thermionic cathode and microanalysis system, UHV modular technology platform NANOFAB 100, plasma-chemical etching set ETNA-100-PT (ЭТНА-100-ПТ) and other hi-tech advanced equipment are used for students learning.
Admission path
To learn program successfully the students have to know the following subjects: ‘Higher Mathematics’, ‘Physics’, ‘Chemistry’, ‘Micro- and nanotechnology (basic level)’, ‘Micro- and nanodevices design (basic level)’.
All necessary information about admission rules is placed on the site of Samara University: http://priem.ssau.ru/sites/default/files/Pravila_priema_Samara_University_30.09.2016.pdf
Academic programme structure (curriculum features)
The curriculum includes a set of basic courses like physical and chemical bases of micro- and nanotechnology, methods for synthesis and applications of metamaterials for IR and THz ranges, diagnostics of 2D and 3D micro and nanostructures, computer modeling of optics and electronics, high efficiency photovoltaics and solar cells, integrated optics and nanophotonics, integrated analystic instrumentation (Lab-on-a-chip), carbon Nanomaterials and Devicess.
Courses are delivered by lecturers, invited from the leading centers for example Dr. Prabhash Mishra, Dr. Sucheta Juneja and others.Particular attention is paid to economic courses like technology commercialization and IP protection, innovation management.
Future profession
The field of professional activity of graduates includes the areas of science, engineering, and technologies related to research, design, and application of optical microsystems and nanotechnologies.
Such fabrication skills as operation on thermal CVD System, sputtering System, thermal Coating Unit, plasma-chemical etching plasma and etc. are formed in learning.
Such material characterization skills as operation on SEM, AFM, FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, UV-Vis equipment Gas, Heat and Optical Sensing Setups are formed in learning.
Job placement opportunities
Graduates of this master's program claimed the largest high-tech enterprises of the Samara region: Space Rocket Centre ‘Progress’ and Research Institute ‘Ekran’.
Potential employers (at national level) are the flagships of the russian chip production ‘Mikron’ JSC, ‘Angstrem’ JSC and design centers that specialize in integrated electronics and photonics engineering.
The advantage of this master's program is the training is held in English, making it easier to graduates entering the international market.
After graduation students can work in research centers, universities, and enterprises involved in research, design, and development of optical microsystems and nanotechnologies.