федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

IV International science and technical conference METAL PHISICS. Mechanics of Material and deformation processes («METALDEFORM-2015»)

Event type: Conference
Location: Samara, H. 34, Moscow highway, the city of Samara
Date: 14.09.2015 - 17.09.2015
Organizer: SSAU
Сайт: http://www.ssau.ru/
Email: metalldeform2015@mail.ru

Detailed information

Program and Organizing Committees invite You to participate in conference. Topics: 1. Metal Physics and Mechanics of Deformation Processes. 2. Material science and nanotechnologies. 3. Advanced and high-energy processes in metal pressure working. 4. Assurance of materials quality.The format of the conference: 10-15 plenary lectures for 15-20 minutes each. Section reports: Presentation (3-5 minutes) with further discussion at the board. To participate in the conference application form (Appendix 1) and the summary report of the alleged volume of no more than 500 characters should be send to the Organizing Committee (metalldeform2015@mail.ru) – deadline April 15, 2015. Program Committee, having considered the abstracts received, decides on their inclusion in the conference program and informs you about this no later than April 20, 2015. Together with the decision You receive a request for registration of the full report in the form of articles, which should go to the Organizing Committee no later than May 30, 2015. The conference program will be sent to participants prior to June 15, 201. Papers (or articles) of the conference will be recommended for publication in special issues of journals - «Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences» - «Bulletin SSAU» - «Advanced Materials Research», included in the database RISC, Web Of Science and the list of journals recommended by the Russian High Attestation Committee for the publication of materials master's and doctoral theses. Publications in journals are for payment.PROGRAM COMMITTEEChairman: Evgeniy Shakhmatov - professor, Doctor of Science., rector of SSACo-Chairman: Evgeniy Kablov - academician of RAS, CEO of “VIAM” Konstantin Solntsev - academician of RAS, director of “IMET”. Rudolf Kawalla - professor, Dr.-Ing., director of Institute of Metal Forming, TU Bergakademie FreibergMembers of Program Committee:Alexandr Kobenko - Vice-Governor – Minister of Economic Development, Investment and Trade of Samara Region Sergey Bezrukov - Deputy Chairman of Samara Region Government, Minister of Industry and Technologies Dmitry Ovchinnikov - Vice-Governor – Head of Samara Region Governor’s Administration Vladimir Pylev - Minister of Education and Science of samara Region Nikolay Alioshin - academician of RAS, N.E.Bauman MSTU Michail Alymov - corresponding member of RAS, ISMAN of RAS Sergey Alexandrov - Doctor of Technical Science, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of RAS Vladislav Antipov - Deputy CEO of “VIAM” Oleg Bannykh - academician of RAS, IMET of RAS Biacheslav Buznik - academician of RAS, “VIAM” Igor Gorynin - academician of RAS, Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "PROMETEY" Sergey Golanov - Chief Metallurgist of JSC "Kuznetsov" Fedor Grechnikov - corresponding member of RAS, SSAU Yeau-Ren Jeng - Director of Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-Tech Innovations, National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan) Alexander Kolesnikov - Doctor of Technical Science, N.E.Bauman MSTU Nikolay Kuznetsov - academician of RAS, N.S.Kournakov’s Institute Of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS Ken-ichi Manabe - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tokyo Metropolitan University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hachioji, Japan Alexander Moukasyan - Doctor of Science, University of Notre Dame, (USA) Vladimir Novotortsev - academician of RAS, director of N.S.Kournakov’s Institute Of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS Vladimir Shevchenko - academician of RAS, Institute of Silicate Chemistry of RAS Vladimir Shorin - academician of RAS, Chairman of SamSC of RAS Leonid Smirnov - academician of RAS, Ural Department of RAS Yuriy Tsvetkov - academician of RAS, IMET of RAS Heinz Palkowski - Professor, Dr.-Ing., Institute of Metallurgy, Department of Metal Forming and Processing, TU Clausthal (Germany) Alexander Zinov’ev - Doctor of Technical Science, National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISIS)ORGANIZING COMMITTEEChairman: Fedor Grechnikov - corresponding member of RAS, SSAUDeputy Chairmen: Vladimir Glouschenkov - professor, SSAU Ekaterina Nosova - associated professor, SSAUOrganizing Committee Members:Alexander Amosova - professor, SSAU Vladimir Aryshenskiy - professor, Chief Rolling Specialist of ZAO Alcoa SMZ Dmitry Gorbunov - Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Investment and Trade of Samara Region Alexander Dmitriev - corresponding member of RAS, MSTU «STANKIN» Yaroslav Yerisov - associated professor, SSAU Yuriy Klochkov - professor, SSAU Nikolay Kolbasnikov - professor, SPbSPU Konstantin Nikitin - professor, SamSTU Igor Popov - professor, SSAU Michail Khardin - associated professor, SSAU Alexey Shliapougin - associated professor, SSAUContact Information Post Address: 34? Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, SSAU, 443086, Phone: (+7 846) 335-18-25. Fax: (+7 846) 335-18-25. E-mail: metalldeform2015@mail.ru.Organizing Fee - for Russian participants 4000 rub. - for Foreign participants – $120, - for students, post grads and young scientists – 1000 rub.Appendix 1APPLICATION (Must be fulfilled by each author) for participation at IV International science and technical conference METAL PHISICS. Mechanics of Material and deformation processes («METALDEFORM-2015»)1. Family Name, Second Name ________________ 2. Position, Science Degree _______________ 3. Report Name _______________________________ 4. Topic____________________________ 5. Institution (Company) name and postal address _____________ 6. Type of participation (full-time/part-time) _______________ 7. Phone (office/home/cell) _____________ fax______________Email________________ 8. Plans (index the suitable): - publication in Journal "Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences" - publication in Journal «Bulletin SSAU» - publication in Journal «Advanced Materials Research».