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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Science-and-Technology Conference “Modern Electrical-Impulse Methods and Technologies for Consolidating Composite Materials: Problems and Prospects”

Event type: Conference
Location: Самара, 17, Radio str., Moscow
Date: 12.10.2016
Organizer: All-Russia Scientific-Research Institute for Aviation Materials
Сайт: http://conf.viam.ru/conf/230
Email: conf@viam.ru

Detailed information

The All-Russia Scientific-Research Institute for Aviation Materials (VIAM), with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and in conjunction with the Technological Platform “Metallurgical Materials and Technologies,” is organizing the Science-and-Technology Conference “Modern Electrical-Impulse Methods and Technologies for Consolidating Composite Materials: Problems and Prospects.” The conference will take place on 12 October 2016 at the All-Russia Scientific-Research Institute for Aviation Materials, located at: 17 Ul. Radio, Moscow (Ul. Dobroslobodskaya entrance). Conference start time: 10:00. Participant registration: 09:00-10:00.Speaking at the conference will be leading scientists and specialists from VIAM and enterprises in civilian industrial sectors, delivering reports on the fabrication of composite materials using advanced electrical-impulse methods and consolidation technologies. Special attention will be devoted to the spark plasma sintering method. The scheduled conference program includes reports on methods for studying the processes occurring under consolidation by electrical-impulse methods. Also explored will be the issues entailed in the creation of intricately-shaped items using ceramic composite materials and the prospects for their use in civilian industrial sectors as an alternative to the traditional metallic materials.We invite scientists, specialists, graduate students and undergrads to take part in the work of the conference and deliver presentations relevant to its announced theme. In order to participate in the conference, the online application in the section “Participant Registration” must be completed by 9 September 2016.The Science-and-Technology Conference “Modern Electrical-Impulse Methods and Technologies for Consolidating Composite Materials: Problems and Prospects” will be followed by the release of a collection of presentations (in electronic form).Accommodations, transportation and miscellaneous costs – all payable by conference participants. The Organizing Committee DOES NOT GUARANTEE the consideration and/or inclusion in the conference program presentation applications submitted after the aforementioned deadline or in violation of the specified requirements.