(International Conference on Aerospace Technology, Communications and Energy Systems).
International Conference on Aerospace Technology, Communications and Energy Systems will be held in Samara University from 28 to 30 September 2017.
The conference gives a unique opportunity to present your developments and research to international community represented by the leading scholars in the sphere of aerospace technology, energy and communication systems.
We invite you to participate with reports in the conference. The articles recommended by experts will be published in the journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. The themes of the conference are given on page of atces2017.org and include:
Aerospace technology
Aircraft and Spacecraft Structure and Design; Aircraft Manufacturing Technology; Aerodynamics; Reliability issues of engines, power supply units and their systems; Reliability problems of engines and energy systems; Development prospects and use of engines for aviation, rocket and space systems, automotive engineering and stationary power supply units; Re-engineering of aircraft engines; Operation processes and engines theory; Construction and reliability of engines and their systems; Reliability problems and nonlinear mechanics of deformable media; Friction, wearing-out and reliability of friction joints; Acoustics, vibrations and problems of amortization in engines; Processes of burning and heat exchange in energy systems; Environmental issues for propulsion engineering, energy and spacecraft; Production and advanced technologies of propulsion engineering; Automatization of engine design; UAV.
Communication Networks; Wireless Communications; Mobile Communications; Information and communication; Coding Theory; Optical Communications; Internet Technologies; Communication Software; Sensor Networks; Communication Technologies; Telecommunication Technologies; Data Communications; Information Technology Application; Satellite Communication; Network Security; DSP Algorithms & Architectures.
Energy Systems
Modern Energy Systems and Power Electronics; Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources; Hybrid Energy Systems; Power Electronics in Distributed Generation; Intelligent and Adaptive Systems in Smart Grid; Autonomous energy systems; Intelligent systems of energy management.
The event presupposes sections, seminars and speeches of the leading world experts as well. Currently the keynote speakers are:
- Prof. Yury A. Nozhnitskiy (Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow);
- Prof. Mikhail Kolotnikov (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow);
- Prof. Stefan Staudacher (University Stuttgart, Germany);
- Prof. Alexander M. Mebel (Florida International University, USA).
Conference organizing committee:
- Samara National Research University;
To participate at the conference one has to fill in an application form on atces2017.org.
Conference address: 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
Complete information about the conference can be found on the web-site.
Contacts in Samara University:
Zaika Sergey Vyacheslavovich and Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Uglanov.
E-mail: atces2017@gmail.com.