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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Edward Crowley visited Samara University

Edward Crowley visited Samara University

Самарский университет

During the visit, the scientist was awarded the title “Honorary graduate of KUAI-SSAU”

01.06.2016 1970-01-01
On May 17 Samara University was visited by Edward Crowley, Founder President of Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech, Russia), member of the Supervisory Board of Samara University, Professor of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA).
Dr. Crowley has long become a symbolic figure both for the global research and education community and for the aerospace industry. He is a board member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Royal Aeronautical Society (UK), a member of the three national academies of engineering: Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Royal (British) Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Engineering (USA).
In 2011, Dr. Crowley became the first Rector of Skoltech, and then became a member of the International Council for competitiveness improvement of the leading Russian universities among the world's leading research and education centres.
During the visit to Samara University, Dr. Crowley became acquainted with the work of the University Institute of Engines and Power Plants, Mission Control Centre of Small Spacecraft, Inter-University Department of Space Research and held a meeting with young scientists. During the meeting, he drew particular attention of the university teaching staff and management to the necessity to focus on “breakthrough” areas of scientific and educational activities and raising the awareness of Samara University abroad.
“Over the past 10 years, Carnegie University in the United States moved up from the 15th to the 5th place in the list of the best American universities. This secret of success is that the university decided to make solid investments into information technology and robotics at the beginning of the last decade. As a result, the reputation and popularity of the entire university has totally increased at the expense of growth in these areas. In turn, it attracts more talented teachers and students from around the world to Carnegie University every year. In the case of Samara University, focusing on development of strategic academic units may bolster the University reputation and popularity renown in global research and education community as quickly as possible”, - underlined the member of the Supervisory Board of Samara University. 
In this regard, Edward Crowley met with the Rector Evgeniy Shakhmatov and discussed measures that will increase competitive strengths of the strategic academic units of Samara University in the international educational space and bolster popularity and academic reputation of the University abroad. 
“We have approved three academic units related to aerospace engineering and technology, gas turbine engineering, nanophotonics and promising technologies of the Earth remote sensing Edward Crowley is a Founder President of Skoltech, and he is a highly qualified expert in all these fields. Therefore we have agreed to consolidate the capabilities of Samara University, Skoltech, to use the resources of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and a number of companies in several areas and to build mutually beneficial cooperation on this foundation”, - notified Evgeniy Shakhmatov, Rector of Samara University.
As a sign of special achievements of Edward Crowley in the field of development of the world aeronautics, the eminent scientist was awarded the title “Honorary graduate of KUAI-SSAU”.