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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Samara University Begins Cooperation with the Technological Federal University of Paraná

Samara University Begins Cooperation with the Technological Federal University of Paraná

Самарский университет

The delegation from Brazil paid a working visit to Samara University

12.10.2018 2018-10-17
At the meeting held on Friday, October 5, there was an exchange of experience in the field of organization of educational activities and a dialogue on interaction opportunities. The leadership of Samara University and the Technological Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná-UTFPR) discussed prospects for joint research, developing joint educational programmes; the organization of cooperation between the universities on the programme of joint diplomas and exchange of students and teachers.
During the meeting, Vice-Rector for Educational and Foreign Affairs of Samara University Vladimir Bogatyrev introduced the representatives of the Brazilian delegation to the history of the University, its main activities, key research areas and achievements. The Vice-Rector told the colleagues from Brazil about the scientific developments of Samara University, including unmanned systems, small spacecrafts of "AIST" series and nanosatellites, as well as a number of others.
The presentation of Samara University aroused great interest of the Brazilian party. The representatives of the Technological Federal University of Paraná noted that being a technical university, which is a rarity for Brazil, they are especially interested in building partnerships with Samara University, since there are many technical directions here.
During the meeting, an algorithm for further cooperation was developed. The algorithm comprises three main steps.
The first step is the signing of a cooperation agreement to designate partnerships between the Universities.
The second step is to invite students to summer schools to get acquainted with the University.
"Actually, during the summer school the idea of partnership was born: this summer the students of the Technological Federal University of Paraná have taken part in "High Technology Management" International Summer School of Samara University, dedicated to the management of high technologies. Upon return, they shared their positive impressions at their University, so Rector of UTFPR Luis Alberto Pilatti included Samara University in a study tour to the leading universities in Russia, — said Vladimir Bogatyrev. — As a rule, after the students have studied at the summer school, they have a deeper interest, and they continue their acquaintance with the University in terms of academic exchange programmes designed for a semester. Our students will also be able to travel to Brazil. We have already had this experience".
The third step is the mutual visits of professors and researchers, so that they can get a deeper insight into the activities of their colleagues within their specialized areas. "As a result of the scientific collaboration, joint publications will appear in journals included in Scopus or WoS and published both at Samara University (Computer Optics) and at the Federal University of Technology of Paraná.
Due to close cooperation, we will know who publishes the articles, what is published there and when it is published, and, accordingly, this will enable the growth of publication activity of the staff of two Universities", — said the Vice-Rector.
Photo: Korotkova Anastasia