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Zainab Badreddine becomes Samara University Miss International 2022

Zainab Badreddine becomes Samara University Miss International 2022

Самарский университет

Samara University held a contest of beauty, talent and intelligence among foreign female students

23.12.2022 2022-12-30
The beauty, talent and intelligence contest for international female students “Samara University Miss International 2022” which took place on December 16 ended with a splendid final show.

This year, nine charming contestants competed for the winner’s crown: Alexa Varas de Valdez from Mexico, Albertina Bossa from Guinea Bissau, Maryluz Paucara from Peru, Zainab Badreddine from Lebanon, Sevara Karimova from Turkmenistan, Anna Murzina from Kazakhstan, Gulsimo Sodatqadamova from Tajikistan and two girls from Armenia, Lilia Gzraryan and Angelina Movsisyan.

For more than a month, girls excitedly prepared for the final stage. They learned how to create unique beauty style, perfected their culinary skills, mastered the basics of bento cake decorating, and participated in themed photo sessions. In one of such sessions, girls posed with pets and exotic animals, and in the other in stunning evening dresses. The photographers managed to make a lot of memorable shots. The girls had their every day scheduled: preparation of presentations, rehearsals of stage performances and trainings where the participants honed the skill of defile and learned to hold themselves on stage. In the finals, the girls were not only to demonstrate the beauty, grace and versatile talents, but also, through their performances, to represent their native country, its cultural and national peculiarities.

The final stage of the competition gathered nearly a full room of spectators and fans who came to support the contestants. Nine beautiful girls, five creative and intellectual trials and the final defile in evening dresses were a real treat to the eye. The finale was bright, multinational and memorable.

The competition ended with an awards ceremony. Zainab Badreddine from Lebanon became the winner and the owner of the title “Samara University Miss International 2022”. According to the organizers, the girl knows four languages, one of which is Arabic – her mother tongue. She loves adventure, challenges, and relies only on herself. She is proud of her roots and her country. Zainab’s dream is to become famous and leave a visible trace in the world. Her life motto is, “Things can be difficult, but nothing is impossible!”

Marilus Paukara from Peru became the Vice-Miss, and the Audience Award went to Gulsimo Sodatqadamova from Tajikistan. There was not a single girl who lost in the contest; each of the participants won in one of the nine categories. The title “Miss Individuality” was won by Alexa Varas de Valdez (Mexico), “Miss Creativity” – Anna Murzina (Kazakhstan), “Miss Smile” – Albertina Bossa (Guinea-Bissau), “Miss Charm” – Maryluz Paucara (Peru), “Miss Tradition” – Zainab Badreddine (Lebanon), “Miss Grace” – Lilia Gzraryan (Armenia), “Miss Exquisite” – Gulsimo Sodatqadamova (Tajikistan), “Miss Naturalness” – Sevara Karimova (Turkmenistan), “Miss Originality” – Angelina Movsisyan (Armenia).

You can learn more about the contestants and enjoy the final show in the group Samara University Miss International.

Text: Elena Omelchenko
Photo: Olesya Orina