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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Aviacor Aviation Plant Has Become an Industrial Partner of Samara University in the Implementation of the Federal Project Advanced Engineering School

Aviacor Aviation Plant Has Become an Industrial Partner of Samara University in the Implementation of the Federal Project Advanced Engineering School

Самарский университет

Scientific and technical cooperation between the enterprise and the higher education institution has also been expanded

23.03.2023 2023-05-10
On Thursday, March 23, Samara National Research University and Aviacor Aviation Plant signed agreements on partnership and development of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School (AAES), as well as on expanding scientific and technical cooperation between the University and the enterprise.

AAES was created at the Samara University in 2022 as part of the Advanced Engineering Schools federal project with the participation of two industrial partners – the "Progress" Rocket and Space Centre and ODK-Kuznetsov. The project is financed by the state on a grant basis under condition of co-financing by industrial partners. Now Aviacor Aviation Plant is among them.
Advanced Aerospace Engineering School under Samara University solves two problems. Firstly, research and development work are carried out here on topics that are determined by industrial partners. Secondly, modern engineers are being trained according to programs agreed with these enterprises.
In 2022, even before Aviacor Aviation Plant included to the list of official industrial partners of AAES, the University laboratories carried out a number of large research projects worth tens of millions of rubles by plant orders. Now this cooperation will expand. At the same time, the training of engineering personnel adapted to the conditions and tasks of Aviacor will be deployed.
"Master's Degree Students will study for two years under programs coordinated with the enterprise. These are specialists who will have the competence to organize flow-line production. The establishment of aircraft mass production is exactly what the Aviacor Aviation Plant enterprise needs today. Training has already begun, we plan to train at least a hundred people annually according to these programs," Rector of Samara National Research University Vladimir Bogatyrev said. 
Alexey Gusev, General Director of Aviacor Aviation Plant, recalled that cooperation in the scientific field and in the training of engineering personnel of the Aviation Plant No. 18 under the People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry of the USSR (the so-called enterprise in the 1940s) and the Kuybyshev Aviation Institute (now Samara University named after Korolev) began with the higher education institution establishment in 1942. It is moving now to a new level.
"Today the enterprise needs qualified specialists. We set ambitious goals for ourselves to reach mass production of the TVRS-44 Ladoga regional aircraft, and for many other projects in which Aviacor Aviation Plant is currently involved. We intend to implement them, relying on professionally trained young people. Therefore, the agreements signed today are a new stage of relations with our profile university, and we can say that we are already in a different orbit," Alexey Gusev noted.
The new educational programs developed for AAES are aimed at the formation of the engineer's versatile competencies targeted at solving practical engineering and production tasks.
"As a result of my training, I will get the profession of a process engineer; I will be able to manage middle-level personnel at enterprises that are partners of Samara University. We also produce engineering designers, planning engineers, specialists in additive technologies, in 3D printing, and in CNC equipment. The list of specializations is diverse. The training at AAES is focused on the practical application of our knowledge, we have mastered the necessary competencies at the university and will use them at production site," the first-year Master's degree student in Aircraft Engines profile Daniil Iskvorin said. The training of engineers in aerospace and aviation majors is based on the same principles.
One of the features of training engineers under the AAES programs is regular internships of students that are organized by industrial partners, as well as close work with experienced mentors from the leading specialists of the enterprise. In addition, internships are provided for the academic teaching staff and management teams of AAES at the production base and the industrial partner, as well as the enterprise employees retraining and advanced training based on the University.
"Issues related to mentoring have always been relevant at our enterprise. So all young specialists who come to the enterprise have their mentors, who direct the entire process of onboarding at workplace. Many years ago, when I came to the plant myself, I had such a mentor, and I still remember him," Alexey Gusev shared.
We have a number of joint projects in scientific and technical cooperation of Samara University and Aviacor Aviation Plant enterprise, from the creation of advanced models of unmanned aviation systems to joint participation in the preparation of mass production of a regional turboprop aircraft TVRS-44 Ladoga designed for 40-44 passenger seats.
"For us, the signing of an agreement with Aviacor Aviation Plant JSC is of great importance, we are scientific partners of the enterprise and together with it we will work on a number of projects where we will have the status of scientific specialists," the engineer of the Centre for Unmanned Systems under Samara University Vladimir Kirillov said.
The parties also plan to participate in the project for the mass production of hovercrafts and aviation packaging equipment. Work is also planned to reduce production costs by developing a software and hardware complex for rationing technological operations and analyzing working time costs.
Reference Information:
The Federal Project "Advanced Engineering Schools" is being implemented as part of the state program of the Russian Federation "Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation".
Advanced Aerospace Engineering School under Samara National Research University: the project is designed for 2022–2030, the school program is posted on the University official website.
Samara National Research University has all the key modern competencies in unmanned aviation. The University operates the Centre for Unmanned Systems (CUS), a research and production unit within the Institute of Aviation and Space-Rocket Engineering.
The main activity areas of the CUS are the educational program of advanced professional education (advanced training) "Fundamentals of controlling unmanned air drones of the quadrotor type with a maximum take-off weight of 30 kg or less", conducting research and development work in unmanned aviation systems, development and production of unmanned aviation systems.
Researchers from University have developed the first in Russia UAD pilot training complex, which combines virtual reality and a real drone. The complex allows you to train in a short time the safe handling of unmanned vertical takeoff drone aircraft.
Photo: Olesya Orina, Ruslan Pikalov