федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Young Scientists and Engineers of the University Are Among of the Regional Competition Winners

Young Scientists and Engineers of the University Are Among of the Regional Competition Winners

Самарский университет

More than 5 million rubles will be allocated for implementation of their scientific projects

04.05.2023 2023-05-19
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region summed up the results of the competition among young scientists and engineers of the region. This year, 19 scientific and educational organizations, as well as enterprises of the real sector of the region’s economy submitted for the competition 164 applications. At the competition, young people presented research and development works related, inter alia, to the themes of their candidate and doctoral dissertations. According to the competition terms, the works should be aimed at creating or introducing into production fundamentally new technologies and new scientific and technical products, devices, equipment, materials and substances that contribute to development of the scientific and technical potential of the Samara Region, and the projects should also be distinguished by scientific novelty. 
In the end, a hundred winners reached the final, 48 of whom work at Samara University. The government of the Samara Region will allocate 5 million 760 thousand rubles from the regional budget for their scientific projects to be implemented.
Among the winners of the competition, representing Samara University: the microflame combustion technology for using Hydrogen as fuel for gas turbine engines and installations, developed by Sergey Matveev, Senior Researcher of the Research and Education Centre for Gas-Dynamic Studies; the method of manufacturing technological and control-measuring equipment using additive technologies, developed by Roman Vdovin, Associate Professor of the Department of Engine Production Technology; the sharp focusing of beams with L-lines of polarization singularities, developed by Vladislav Zaitsev, Assistant of the Department of Engineering Cybernetics.
For reference:
The purpose of the competition is to realize the research potential of young scientists and specialists working in the Samara Region. In 2023, the contestants’ average age was 30 years. The winners will receive one-time cash payments in the amount of 120 thousand rubles.