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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Samara among the Centers of Academic and Technological Excellence

Samara among the Centers of Academic and Technological Excellence

Самарский университет

A concessionary agreement for construction of the International Interuniversity IT Campus was signed at SPIEF 2023

16.06.2023 2023-07-12
On Friday, June 16, a concessionary agreement for establishment of the Samara International Interuniversity IT Campus for 5,000 places was signed on the venue of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum.

In the presence of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko, Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov and Governor of the Samara Region Dmitry Azarov the document was signed by Alisa Denisova, Executive Director of the VEB.RF Business Unit and Director General of the ProKampus No. 1 LLC Managing Company — ProShkola LLC, and Viktor Kudryashov, First Vice Governor and Chairman of the Government of the Samara Region.

It bears reminding that upon the order of the President of Russia, 25 modern campuses are to emerge in the country by 2030, including those based on public private partnership mechanisms. A signing ceremony for five concessionary agreements for the projects selected in the second round of the competition for establishment of a modern campus network took place on the venue of SPIEF 2023. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko said: “One of SPIEF mottos this year is “Joining Forces for Future Generations” which is a perfect description of the works on establishment of world-class student campuses. I’d like to remind that currently there are 17 projects in various corners of the country, all at various stages. Such a largescale and ambitious objective set by President of Russia Vladimir Putin can be solved through joint efforts of government, business, academic and expert communities only. And today, conclusion of concessionary agreements is an example of this successful interaction.”

The concept of creating an International Interuniversity IT Campus for 5,000 places in the Samara Region in conjunction with aerospace, automotive, medical, construction and other degrees was developed under the leadership of Dmitry Azarov. In 2022, a Head of the region presented the project to Vladimir Putin and gained his support. Due to the methodical work of the regional team the project was turned into one of 9 winners of the second competitive selection of the projects for establishment of modern campuses held by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and featuring 39 participants. The campus in Samara will be built in the framework of the Federal Project on Infrastructure Development for Scientific Researches and Staff Training, a part of the Science and Universities National Project, with the use of such a tool as concessionary agreements.

The total investment amount at the stage of the campus establishment is 35 billion rubles: 11.44 bln rubles are provided with a capital grant (primarily from the federal budget) and 23.5 bln rubles are for the concessioner to raise from the non-budget sources. Campus exploitation and return on investments are intended for 20 years. The campus is to be put into commission in 2027.

“The regions of the second selection wave got to the stage of concessionary agreement signing less than a year after winning the competition. Today’s event is one of indicators of the region’s commitment to the idea of establishing a new modern campus, a center of attraction for talented young people and a driver of education development, as well as of the region’s interest in the idea,” Valery Falkov, Minister of Education and Science, noted.

“It’s impossible to build a campus without the region’s input. It’s where we can see dynamic movement at the start. It’s critical to keep this dynamics at every stage in Samara. The thing is, Samara here is one of student cities, one of centers of academic and technological excellence,” the Minister added.

Establishment of such a powerful educational center is designed to promote not only development of a scientific thought, but also to attract and retain talented young people from other regions of the country and from abroad in the region. “For many years, we dreamt about creating such a cutting-edge interuniversity space. We didn’t just dream though, we acted on it. And now our dream develops actual contours. We attract serious investments into this project. Establishment of a campus is not about construction of walls. It’s about choosing an area of development for the region, about shaping creative academic teams, about successful start-ups and new technologies,” Dmitry Azarov said.

“The project on establishment of an International Interuniversity IT Campus in Samara, in our opinion, is one of the most elaborated in the state program on creating the innovative educational environment. It’s a result of close cooperation of teams representing VEB.RF and ProKampus, Sber, and the region. And we think that this project can be among the first ones to qualify for state support and project financing. The campus will be designed for 5,000 places; it is created in the interests of students and lecturers of Samara leading universities, with the Samara National Research University as a key one where specialists for the rocket and space industry of Russia are trained,” Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Sberbank Board, commented.

Living buildings for students and lecturers, a training building with the modern high-tech lecture halls and laboratories, sports facilities, service hubs, shops and an underground parking will be located on the area of 17 ha next to the Solidarity Samara Arena stadium.

“The campus is an entire student world, an innovative environment with its own spirit. Our goal is not only to build academic buildings and a good dormitory, but to create opportunities for scientific researches and experimental developments in the universities, an opportunity for interaction with industrial partners, a chance for the universities to build an industrial infrastructure, so that the students graduating from the higher educational establishment could be considered specialists available for employment that can be immediately involved in professional work. VEB.RF together with Sberbank PJSC already provide financing to 6 projects for establishment of schools in the framework of the concessionary agreement model in the Samara Region. Based on the Samara campus as an example, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and together with Sberbank PJSC we consider a possible application of the Project Finance Factory and establishment of a syndicate comprising sponsoring organizations led by VEB.RF,” Alisa Denisova, Executive Director of the VEB.RF Business Unit, says.

The campus will become a driver of development for the territory adjacent to the stadium. A new residential sector with an area of more than 300,000 sq. m is intended to be shaped around the new modern center of Samara, the social infrastructure and a comfortable urban environment are planned to be created.