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Summer Schools of Samara University Welcomed Students from Asia

Summer Schools of Samara University Welcomed Students from Asia

Самарский университет

International Summer Schools open their doors to students from the Celestial Empire

01.08.2023 2023-08-15

Summer schools were held at Samara University in full-time mode after a three-year break. Students from Northwestern Polytechnical University (China) – one of the country's leading universities in the field of aviation, space and marine engineering – came to Samara to boost their knowledge in aircraft maintenance, engines’ design and Russian language. 

Three educational programs were managed for the guests from China: “Aviation Technology and Aircraft Engines – from Design Theory to Operational Practice” (15-24 July, 2023), “Production and Testing of Aircraft Engines” (19 July – 01 August, 2023) and “Russian Language and Culture” (19 July – 01 August, 2023). Participants studied soft skills, Russian language, culture and customs as well as delved into the intricacies of designing and operating aircraft and aircraft engines.

Head of the Employment and Career Office of Samara University Olga Esipova noticed that both educational and extensive cultural programs were provided for the students. Students got acquainted with life and traditions of Samara region on cultural program.


All summer schools were conducted by the Center of international short-term educational programs of Samara University. The schools were prepared on the basis of educational programs of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Engines and Power Plants Engineering and Department of Russian Language and Mass Communication. Ekaterina Blinova – director of the Center – says that the team of the Center was really looking forward to the arrival of international students and hope that this is a great start after a long break.

University lecturers and professors introduced students of technical summer schools to the history of the creation and development of gas turbine engines, their dynamic properties, ways to improve the properties of the aircraft engines. Participants learned about the basic equations of gas motion in engines and their elements, thrust, power and specific parameters of aircraft engines, theory of elasticity, plasticity and strength limits. In practice, they got acquainted with the design and materials of compressor and turbine blades and learned about the innovative production of these elements using automated tools. Students performed calculations of heat transfer, studied automatic control systems for aircraft engines and the rotational velocity of rotors of gas turbine engines, calculated the blades of gas turbine engines for static strength.

Students of Russian Language and Culture summer school learned Russian language together with associate professor of Samara University Inna Shumkina, Russian history and Russian-Chinese relationship, Russian traditions and Russian technologies. Moreover, students created their own souvenir with knots – traditional Russian dolls ‘martenichki’, painted wooden traditional doll matryoshka and performed a skit and presentation using Russian language. Mariya Klyovina – specialist of the Center – guided students to the ethnographical museum to reveal exhibits ‘Russian house’, ‘Our ancient apartment’, ‘Dolls from Grandma's trunk’ and ‘They can see by the dress who goes like that’. She also showed up the master class on creating traditional ritual doll. “Dolls symbolize the change of seasons from winter to spring with their colors – white and red. Students were excited to visit the museum and knit their self-made souvenir!” – mentioned Mariya.

Cultural program included the city tour around Samara city with visiting the Stalin’s bunker, excursions to the Center of the History of Aircraft Engines, Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics and Smart House of Butterflies of Samara University, Volga Railway Museum, Russian ethnographic museum of the XIX-XX centuries.

One of the most exciting and memorable events was a visit to the training airfield of Samara University. Students learned more about Soviet and Russian aviation and applied information from the lectures on the authentic airplanes and helicopters. The stuff of the airfield showed the guests from China the engine start of the An-2 aircraft, the lowering and lifting of the nose of the supersonic aircraft Tu-144, the engine start on the helicopter Mi-8, carrying out the engine start of the Tu-154M aircraft, the release of slats and flaps and the lifting of the spoilers.

“My profile is aircraft engines. When I had found out that Samara is a space capital of Russia, I immediately wanted to come here to improve my knowledge in my professional field.  The content of the summer school is varied and impressive. And cultural program was amazing!” – Gou Shuhao, student of the Northwestern Polytechnical University (China).

Students got acquainted with the main sightseeings of Samara city on the cultural program together with volunteers – Glory Square, Kuibyshev Square, Revolution Square, the Volga River embankment, Leningradskaya street, the Strukovsky Garden and other locations. Volunteers accompanied students on cultural and social activities and helped to familiarize with Russian way of live, attractions of Samara and students’ life here. Participants attended lots of locations with a great help of volunteers, e.g. football match of local football team Krylya Sovetov with Moscow’s team Dinamo, rink for figure skating, cruise on the Volga river, local Volga beaches, Gagarin’s park, shopping malls and souvenirs shops.

Alongside, Soft Skills online summer school (03-17 July, 2023) was conducted for Indonesian students from University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta who were unable to come physically to Samara but joined the distance program with pleasure. The study part was conducted by the leading lecturers of Samara University and business and economics specialists. Students trained their creative thinking, learned persuasive scientific presentations rules and managed with negotiations. The specialist of the Center Lada Uvarova pointed out that the key feature of the online program consists in deep connection with international students via not only classes and lectures but vivid virtual tours around Samara city, online master classes on cooking Russian dishes and creating ‘martenichki’ and distance presentations about Russia.

Students shared some comments:

Ren Ziming, student of Northwestern Polytechnical University:

I study aviation and my major is engine’s engineering so the summer school at Samara University is relevant and interesting to me. Besides, the history of Samara is so organically intertwined with cosmonautics! It fascinates me!

Beijing is my hometown, it is a big metropolis with a well–developed infrastructure, crowds and people in a hurry. Samara is much quieter and people here are friendly. I really like the weather in the Samara region – it's much hotter in my homeland.

I am interested in the culture and history of Russia. I dream of bringing my girlfriend here and giving her a tour of breathtaking Samara. I hope my parents will let me stay here to live!

Li Bin, student of Northwestern Polytechnical University:

I have always wanted to learn more and see more places. My homeland, Sichuan Province, is very different from Samara. The architecture of Samara is interesting. You could find mostly skyscrapers in China, and there are a lot of low-rise buildings here. It is so unusual! The spirit of history merges with the trends of the new time.

I liked the Samara’s citizens, they are so friendly. I would like to show Samara to my family and friends in the future. I think they will like it too.

Beneditto Nefi Suranto, student of University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta:


The important lessons that I learned from the Soft Skills program are not necessarily exclusive to Russia, but it is wonderful to be instructed on certain skills by professors and lecturers from diverse backgrounds. I find it fascinating that the things that I can easily learn online are taught in a better way by the instructors at the program.


The online medium of the program does not interfere with the learning experience. It felt like I was actually there. The instructors are also very compassionate and professional. I would recommend the online program!


Center of international short-term educational programs was established in 2019 on the basis of the institute of Economics and Management of Samara University. The programs implemented by the Center have been conducted in full-time since 2015. Over the past eight years, 599 international students from 45 countries and 74 leading international universities, as well as 49 teachers of Samara University and 13 foreign lecturers have participated in the Center’s programs. The Center organizes educational programs in online mode since 2020. To apply for the program, please contact via email school@ssau.ru