The delegation of Samara University is also actively participating in the forum headed by Rector Vladimir Bogatyrev. The University delegation also includes Vice-Rector Victoria Bolgova, Deputy Vice-Rector, Head of the Department for Support of Innovative Projects and Programs Nikita Zubarev, Head of the Interactive Complex of Advanced Training of Engineering Personnel "Digital Additive Technologies" Roman Vdovin, employee of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School Ekaterina Savich, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists Yulia Novikova, employee of the Department of Marketing and Promotion of Scientific and Technical Developments Julia Komisar.
One of the key events of the forum was a discussion devoted to the formation of the image of a new type of engineer, namely, "A competency portrait of a graduate of an advanced engineering school that meets the needs of the real sector of the economy." Dmitry Afanasyev, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Yuri Shmotin, Deputy General Director – General Designer of the UEC, Vladimir Shevchenko, Rector of MIFI, and others took part in it.
During the discussion, Vladimir Bogatyrev presented to the forum participants the basic principles of the educational model of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School (AAES), which has been operating at Samara University since 2022. Recall that the University's AAES was created within the framework of the federal project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Advanced Engineering Schools" to train engineers of a new formation who possess knowledge-intensive and multidisciplinary technologies.
The activities of the AAES of Samara University include such areas as space engineering, aviation propulsion engineering and information technology. The frontier engineering challenge that set for the school is to develop integrated solutions to accelerate the creation and modernization of aerospace products, as well as the training of engineering personnel.
Speaking to the forum participants, Vladimir Bogatyrev noted that the educational model of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School was compiled in accordance with the competencies needed by the leading industrial partners of the school – Roscosmos, UEC and Aviacor — Aviation Plant.
The educational program of AAES is implemented by teachers who were selected according to the results of the competition. And in the educational process, a methodologist, a lecturer, a mentor from the enterprise, and a researcher are involved at once – they all help to ensure the quality and diversity of students' training.
At the same time, the rector emphasized that all students of AAES are involved in design and research activities on scientific topics of the school. "The purpose of our educational model is to train diverse specialists who can work in a team to create integrated technological solutions in the aerospace industry. The educational programs of AAES include tracks that form the competencies of a researcher, practitioner or organizer. Based on such tracks, the student's roles in the project are formed – research engineer, practical engineer, engineer manager. As a result of the implementation of such a model, graduates of the school will better understand the activities of the industry as a whole and will be ready to implement and coordinate large-scale projects," Vladimir Bogatyrev explained.
It is expected that the graduate of the AAES of Samara University will form a pool of competencies, including digital, subject-professional, design-research and personal competencies within the framework of the "Digital Plant" concept. In order to form students' meta-competencies, interactive complexes of advanced training of engineering personnel created at AAES are involved in the learning process. Subject-professional and design-research competencies will be formed at cyberphysical and digital factories created at AAES.
In addition, to employ students and track the career trajectory of AAES graduates, a digital electronic information system has been created. It accumulates information about the student's activities and forms his portfolio and resume, according to which an employer can easily find him.
The forum participants will have 3 days of a rich business program ahead, including events with the participation of the country's leadership, panel discussions with the heads of key ministries and development institutions, representatives of state corporations and technological business, expert sessions, round tables and lectures by leading world scientists and heads of key universities in Russia and foreign countries on interregional and international cooperation.
For reference:
The International Forum of Technological Development "Technoprom-2023" is a platform for building interregional and international cooperation chains for the purpose of (proactive) import substitution and achieving technological sovereignty of the country on the example of specific projects, cases, and technological developments.