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Samara University Held the Meeting of Its Representatives with the Consul General of Turkmenistan in Kazan

Samara University Held the Meeting of Its Representatives with the Consul General of Turkmenistan in Kazan

Самарский университет

The parties discussed development of collaboration between the Samara Region and Turkmenistan in relation of exporting higher education

07.09.2023 2023-09-15
Samara University was visited by Guich Garayev, the Consul General of Turkmenistan in Kazan, and Ashyraly Nazarov, the second Secretary of the Consulate General of Turkmenistan in Kazan.

The guests were greeted by Viktoria Bolgova, Vice-Rector of Samara University, Sergey Tits, Head of the International Activities Directorate, and Evgeny Chursin, Head of the Mobility and Recruiting Department.

The meeting was attended by Vera Shcherbacheva, Head of the Directorate of Foreign Relations of the Administration of the Governor of the Samara Region, Dmitry Sukhanov, Acting Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Directorate of Foreign Relations of the Administration of the Governor of the Samara Region, and representatives of universities in the region, including Samara State Technical University, Samara State University of Economics, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara State Social and Pedagogical University, Samara State Institute of Culture.

During the conversation, development of collaboration between the Samara Region and Turkmenistan in relation of exporting higher education was discussed.

The Consul General expressed his concern about uneven distribution of Turkmen students in regions of Russia. “There are increasingly more citizens of Turkmenistan who want to get higher education, including that abroad, every year. In Kazan only, there are about eight thousand students from my country”, Guich Garayev said. “But we believe that there are other regions of Russia with strong professional education, which would be interesting to our students”.

Sergey Tits stated that employees of the Mobility and Recruiting Department headed by Evgeny Chursin have experience in conducting promo-tours in schools of Turkmenistan, as well as participating in the educational exhibitions in Ashgabat. At the University, there is curatorship: undergraduate students help their fellow countrymen to adapt in Samara, at the university, to establish comfortable everyday life. Besides, following the results of international Olympiads, prize-winners have the opportunity to learn at Russian universities on state-funded places.

“I see great prospects in development of network programs between our universities”, Sergey Tits added. “Such programs will make it possible for students to enter those universities where there are necessary competencies and laboratory equipment. Now, when the Bologna System has started operating in Turkmenistan, it is easier to adjust our bachelor’s degree programs”.

If earlier in Turkmenistan only diplomas of Russian universities that were included in international rankings were recognized, recently universities from the national ranking “Three Missions of the University” – RUR have been included in the list. In the Samara Region, there are three such universities, including Samara University.
The Consul General also met students of Samara University, who are citizens of Turkmenistan. Currently, 82 students from Turkmenistan are studying at the University in the major educational programs. 11 more entered the preparatory faculty. The most popular area of training is “International Relations”.

In his address to the students from Turkmenistan, Guich Garayev said, “I am addressing you not only as the Consul General of our country, but also as a parent. I want to convey to you that you have come here to study, and must comply with the laws, customs and traditions of Russia. Your parents are proud of you, I ask you to meet their expectations. I understand that there are many reasons not to study, but you need to make the most of the opportunities provided by the studentship”.

The Consulate General is interested in every student, and is ready to provide maximum support to students in absolutely all spheres of life – even organization of on-site marriage ceremonies and issuance of birth certificates for the children of Turkmen students, born in Russia.

For reference:

Interaction of Samara University with Turkmenistan

From 2015 to 2020 (the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic), the delegation of Samara University annually participated in educational exhibitions held by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Turkmenistan. During this period, meetings and negotiations were held with the Turkmen Space Agency under the President of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

On October 02, 2017, within the framework of the Turkmen-Russian Summit in Ashgabat, the agreement was signed with the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications (now the Turkmen State Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics). The agreement provides for academic exchange, collaboration in the field of scientific research, and exchange of sports teams. Under the agreement, in January 2020, Samara University welcomed the delegation of three people. The delegation visited all the institutes and faculties of the University, got acquainted with scientific developments.

At present, 82 citizens of Turkmenistan study at the University in the major educational programs. This year 45 Turkmen students received diplomas of higher education. 11 more entered the preparatory faculty. The most popular area of training is “International Relations".