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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Scientists of Samara University Develop a Medical Product from Donated Blood Plasma

Scientists of Samara University Develop a Medical Product from Donated Blood Plasma

Самарский университет

The results were presented at the 4th All-Russian Conference on Analytical Spectroscopy

23.11.2023 2023-11-29
The research team of Samara University have discovered the content level for macro- and micro-components important for the body, in the medical product they have been developing from donated blood plasma. According to them, this medical product of domestic production is urgently needed by Russian medicine. The results were presented at the 4th All-Russian Conference on Analytical Spectroscopy.

Plasma is the liquid part of blood, which is required for moving its other elements, and makes up more than half of the blood amount in the body. Plasma consists of biological macromolecules — proteins of different types, enzymes and lipids, and also contains nutrients of organic and inorganic nature.

For clinical use, plasma is obtained by fractionation: blood cells are centrifugally separated from the liquid and precipitated. The treated plasma is used for prevention and treatment of infections, diseases of the circulatory system, for combating various neoplasms and genetic pathologies, as specialists explained. Such medical products are also indispensable in a number of emergency situations.

According to experts, currently, in our country, the health care need for blood plasma medical products is satisfied by only 10%. For the purpose of solving this problem, researchers of Samara National Research University (Samara University) and Samara Regional Clinical Blood Transfusion Station have been developing new domestic medical products based on donated plasma.

“When developing medical products of this kind, the key task is accurately detecting the content and influence of not only targeted, but also non-targeted components, such as ions and microelements, which also have a significant effect on the body”, said Igor Platonov, Dean of the Faculty of Physics of Samara University.

In course of the work, the researchers found out that the medical product under development contains necessary ions that are important for health: the balance of sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride ions ensures normal cellular metabolism and regulation of the acidity level of body fluids, as well as transporting water between blood vessels and tissues.

According to the developers, microelements contained in the new medical product are involved in the structure-forming processes of cells and tissues, provide metabolic processes, are part of enzymes and transport proteins, ensure strength of teeth and bones, muscle work, heart, nervous system.

The future work related to the medical product, according to the scientists, will be associated with identifying the amount of amino acids and peptides contained in it.

Samara University is a participant of the Russian Governmental University-Support Program “Priority 2030” of the National Project “Science and Universities”.

Source: ria.ru