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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
The Modern Interactive Space for Students

The Modern Interactive Space for Students

Самарский университет

The head of the Samara Region got acquainted with the opportunities of the new co-working

07.02.2024 2024-02-16
On February 06, in course of visiting Samara University, the Governor Dmitry Azarov was showed the new co-working centre in Building No. 16 – the modern interactive space for students. The premises were renovated and equipped in 2023, inter alia at the expense of the regional budget, in framework of co-financing the Strategic Academic-Leadership Program “Priority 2030”.

The Rector Vladimir Bogatyrev told the head of the region that one of the University’s foreign students proposed to arrange such a co-working. Here, comfortable environment for study and research is created, students can work on their projects both individually and in groups, using necessary literature and modern equipment, including that for video conferencing. “This space is designed and equipped, given the students’ wishes”, emphasized the Rector.

“What are you working on?” addressed the Governor a group of students in the co-working. Artem Aleksentsev and Vladislav Pelevin, students of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School, trained in the “Aircraft Engines” area, showed the head of the region the gas-turbine engine suitable for a drone. “We would like to tune the engine and offer it to the company “Transport of the Future”,” explained the students. “Good luck to you”, replied Dmitry Azarov, then added, “There is no need to stop at what has been achieved. I hope that this co-working will develop and be provided with additional equipment. And requests from students and young scientists should become a reference point here”.

The co-working centre is located in the library space, and allows taking a new approach to studying literature, as well as holding here creative events and meetings. And close proximity of the co-working area to the University’s “Boiling Point” will make it possible to use the space as an additional location, expanding its functionality and creating essentially new convenient conditions for events to be held in.

The modern space is designed to become a new place of attraction for all users of the campus. This location is already attracting attention of both employees and students, as well as applicants who are just going to enter the University.

In the co-working centre, there is a portrait of Yury Evgenyevich Sedoykin, a graduate of the University and a participant in the Special Military Operation (SVO). The platoon commander of the automated controls of the airborne assault division of the airborne troops graduated from Samara State Aerospace University in 1997. He died on December 30, 2023, while performing tasks during the SVO. “I hope his name will not be forgotten”, addressed Dmitry Azarov Vladimir Bogatyrev. The Rector stressed that the memory of the graduate Yury Sedoykin will be immortalized. As well as the memory of Artur Mkhitarovich Arshakyan, a graduate of the Law Institute in 2021, who died during the SVO not too long ago.

Photo: Olesya Orina