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Biology student Eisons Tchang took part in the scientific conference on experimental and clinical medicine

Biology student Eisons Tchang took part in the scientific conference on experimental and clinical medicine

Самарский университет

The conference was held at I.P. Pavlov State Medical University in St. Petersburg

03.05.2024 2024-05-22
Eisons Tchang, a graduate student of the Faculty of Biology, in the field of Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, took part in the Research and Practice Conference “Topical Issues of Experimental and Clinical Medicine” (the Section “Immunology”), which was held in April 2024, at I.P. Pavlov State Medical University in St. Petersburg.

Eisons himself is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and entered our University’s Faculty of Biology in the hope of becoming a specialist in theoretical and experimental immunology. After successfully completing his undergraduate studies, Eisons continues learning at the Master’s degree of the Faculty of Biology.

Currently, his scientific work is related to researching the effect of inflammation on the state and mechanisms of regulation of the cardiovascular system. At the Section “Immunology”, which took place on the basis of Louis Pasteur St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology, Eisons Tchang successfully presented his report “The effect of the bacterial model of inflammation on some of rats’ hematological hemodynamic parameters”, professionally answered questions asked by members of the commission, and was awarded the Diploma of the II Degree, following the results of the Section. According to Eisons, participation in the scientific Section dedicated to various issues of modern immunology has become a great event for him. He remembered the special atmosphere of the Pasteur Institute: the long and complex history of developing immunology research at the Pasteur Institute was felt, and the scientific developments of the Pasteur Institute specialists were of great importance for Russian and world immunology. For example, employees of the Pasteur Institute have developed the PCR kit for detecting the RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the ELISA kit for quantitative determination of human IgG antibodies to the N-protein SARS-CoV-2.

The staff of the Pasteur Institute created and implemented the Program on assessing population immunity to the new coronavirus infection. During World War II, the Pasteur Institute activities developed in a special way. Despite all the difficulties and hardships, the staff of the Institute continued their scientific activities, which were as close as possible to the demands of wartime (deterioration of the sanitary and epidemic state of besieged Leningrad, etc.). Scientific experiments were also conducted on laboratory animals used for creating models of infectious diseases. Of course, it is responsible, solemn and very exciting to speak to prominent scientists and specialists in immunology, in walls of the academic institute having a long history. The staff and students of the Faculty of Biology congratulate Eisons Tchang on his successful presentation and well-deserved award!