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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
The University’s Basketball Team Has Become the Silver Medalist of the VFD Tournament

The University’s Basketball Team Has Become the Silver Medalist of the VFD Tournament

Самарский университет

Teams from 14 regions of the Volga Federal District (VFD) took part in the competition

14.05.2024 2024-05-30
On May 11, Perm hosted the Super-final of the Volga Federal District 3x3 Basketball Tournament participated by teams of the universities of the Volga Federal District under the patronage of Igor Komarov, the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the District.

Teams from 14 regions of the Volga Federal District took part in the competition.
Among the men’s teams, Samara University’s team has become the silver medalist of the Tournament:
  • Kudryashov Mikhail, Group 1243 – 250401D
  • Velichko Vladislav, Group 1126 – 230301D
  • Fadeenkov Ivan, Group 1404 – 150303D
Our congratulations to the winners and the coach of the team Krylov Evgeny Pavlovich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education!
We wish the team not to slow down and show a high-level play in the final of the regional Universiade among higher-education teams!