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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
International Students Spoke at the Young Scientists’ Scientific Seminar on Biomedicine

International Students Spoke at the Young Scientists’ Scientific Seminar on Biomedicine

Самарский университет

Young people presented their scientific researches performed as part of their qualification work

17.06.2024 1970-01-01

On May 2930, 2024, Yulia Kulagina and Eisons Tchang, students of the Faculty of Biology, successfully spoke at the Young Scientists’ Scientific Seminar on Biomedicine at the Scientific Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology (Moscow).

The students presented their scientific researches performed as part of their qualification work. Yulia Kulagina reported on behavioral and memory disorders caused by intestinal dysbiosis experimentally modeled in rats. The problem “Gut Microbiota — Brain” is currently proactively developed in many laboratories, including Samara University’s Department of Human and Animal Physiology. The new data obtained clarify the features and mechanisms of the influence of the intestinal microbiota on brain structures, neurotransmitter processes, and components of behavior. Yulia Kulagina, a student, used methods of mass spectrometry, seeding, and microscopy to assess the state of intestinal microflora, as well as methods of behavioral phenotyping aimed at studying features of behavioral reactions of laboratory rats.

In his research, Eisons Tchang obtained new data on the effect of acute inflammation on the state of mechanisms that regulate the heart in conditions of experimental hypertension. Eisons’ work convincingly shows the typical pattern of acute bacterial inflammation and modulation of efficiency of baroreflex in rats. In the next series of experiments, Eisons intends to study the role of one of the most active pro‑inflammatory factors (interleukin-6) on the state and regulation of blood circulation. Such a research in the field of experimental cardioimmunology is currently relevant due to the widespread occurrence of cardiovascular diseases associated with inflammation and exposure of pro-inflammatory cytokines. 

The students noted that making their verbal reports at the academic institute with so long scientific history was honorable and responsible for them. At present, the Scientific Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology is a major centre of modern medical science that develops fundamental biomedical problems. The Institute researches modern problems in molecular and cellular biology, nanophysiology, nanopathology, gene therapy, and other areas.