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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
One Million Rubles for the Online International Schools Implementation

One Million Rubles for the Online International Schools Implementation

Самарский университет

Lada Uvarova became the winner of the grant competition of ANO “Eurasia”

21.08.2024 1970-01-01

Lada Uvarova, Director of the Center for International Short-term Educational Programs at the Institute of Economics and Management of Samara University was among the winners of the first grant competition in 2024 among individuals of the Autonomous Non-profit Organization for the International Cooperation Promotion "Eurasia". The grant support funds will be used to implement the project "Online International Schools".

Online International Schools are international short-term educational programs using distance learning technologies based on Samara University aimed at studying educational disciplines and familiarization with the culture, sights and traditions of Russia and Samara, as well as socialization and expansion of the participants' worldview. The main goal of the project is to popularize Russian culture, cultural code and increase loyalty to Russia through soft power tools (education, culture, promotion of the Russian language).

A distinctive feature of the Online International Schools project is the combination of an educational and cultural-historical block, which are implemented in an online format in English. By participating in the school, participants will not only gain knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of their chosen area, but also study the culture of Russia and virtually travel to cultural and historical places of the Samara region using remote technologies. 

Within the framework of the project, three Online International Schools are planned to be implemented in the following educational programs:

  • Fundamentals of Professional Communication: Russian Language and Culture;
  • High Technology Management;
  • Effective Tools for Developing Flexible Skills for Managers.

The participants of the online schools will be students of schools and students of higher educational institutions in Asia and the post-Soviet space. The project will be implemented with the support of the Center for International Short-term Educational Programs of the Institute of Economics and Management. Online International Schools will be held from October 15 to 27, 2024 in a distance format.

"The team of the Center for International Short-term Educational Programs has been implementing summer and winter schools in an online format since 2020. An amazing fact: 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the first summer school, 5 years since the launch of online schools. And it was this year that our project received grant support! A real gift! For the first time, the project plans to involve students from post-Soviet countries, which will reveal the culture and traditions of Russia from a new perspective. The most memorable part of online schools has always been the cultural program, the project will allow us to develop new excursion routes and master class programs to popularize the culture of our country," said Lada Uvarova.