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Master’s Degree Student Ksenia Tomnikova Became a Laureate of the Kamil Valiev Scholarship

Master’s Degree Student Ksenia Tomnikova Became a Laureate of the Kamil Valiev Scholarship

Самарский университет

The scholarship is awarded to students and postgraduates studying electronics

03.09.2024 1970-01-01

Ksenia Tomnikova, a second-year Master’s Degree student of Samara University’s Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics, became a laureate of the Kamil Valiev Scholarship, which was established in 2023. She studies in the Specialty “Biotechnical Systems and Technologies.” Ksenia researches under supervision of Irina Matveeva, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Laser and Biotechnical Systems.

“My scientific work is dedicated to classifying Raman spectra of the skin. By using machine learning methods and neural networks, I want to classify the spectra of various skin diseases, including malignant melanoma. As the result of researching this area, it is already possible to detect skin cancer with accuracy of 80%. The research does not stop, there is still a lot of work to do, for improving the indicators,” notes the scholarship holder.

The Kamil Valiev Scholarship is intended for students and postgraduates with significant achievements in the field of electronic industry. During the year, the winner-student will receive 55 thousand rubles a month, and the winner-postgraduate — 75 thousand rubles a month.

It should be noted that in 2024, Ksenia won two scientific competitions, as well. Her portfolio of achievements includes the 3rd place at the All-Russian Youth Competition of Scientific and Technological Projects “Engineering of the Future 2.0” and the 3rd place of the 2nd All-Russian Competition of Research Works by Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Biophotonics in Life Sciences and Medicine.” Besides, in March of 2024, Ksenia Tomnikova became a holder of the scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation. And in 2023, she received a patent for the development “Software Module for Classification of Raman Spectra of Skin Pathologies.”

For reference:

Since September 1, a number of nominal scholarships will be increased to 15,000 rubles per month: these are Scholarships of A.A. Voznesensky, E.T. Gaidar, D.S. Likhachev, Yu.D. Maslyukov, A.A. Sobchak, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, V.A. Tumanov. Moreover, the scholarship of V.A. Tumanov for postgraduates currently amounts to 20,000 rubles per month.

Information about this and other scholarships appears in the group of the Centre for Scholarship Provision and Social Protection. The staff of the Centre also helps candidates for scholarships and awards with paperwork.