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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Golovashkin, Dimitriy L.

  • Chair of Applied Mathematics and Physics, head
  • Department of Technical Cybernetics, professor
  • leading researcher
  • 1 Krivosheeva Y., Moksin P., Golovashkin D. etc. Design of the Intersection Node of Photonic Crystal Waveguides Using a Genetic Algorithm // 2024 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2024. — 2024. —
  • 1 GOLOVAShKIN D.L., Vorotnikova D.G. Beam Propagation Method vectorization by means of CUDA technology // CMMSE 2013 :Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering 2013. — № CMMSE. — P. 1736-1746
  • 2 GOLOVAShKIN D.L., YaBLOKOVA L. V. Combination of approaches of Mur and Berengerat realization FDTD method. // International conference ICONO/LAT.. — 2013. — P. 57-58
  • 3 GOLOVAShKIN D.L., Kochurov A.V. Pyramid method for GPU-aided finite difference method // CMMSE 2013 :Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering 2013. — № CMMSE. — P. 746 — 757
  • 1 Golovashkin D.L., Soifer V.A. Modeling the electromagnetic wave propagation by use of difference solution of Maxwell's equations // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2000. — Vol. 4002. — P. 143-150
  • 1 Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A., Golovashkin D.L. etc. Diamond DOEs for focusing of IR laser beams into pregiven focal domains // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2004. — Vol. 5182. — P. 222-232
  • 2 Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A., Golovashkin D.L. etc. Diamond diffractive optical elements for infrared laser beam control // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2004. — Vol. 5456. — P. 209-219
  • 1 Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Synthesis and investigation of diamond diffractive optical elements // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2006. — Vol. 6290.
  • 2 Golovashkin D.L. Simulation of light propagation through a DOE using the FDTD method // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2006. — Vol. 6187.
  • 1 Volodkin B. O. , Golovashkin D.L., Moiseev O.Y. etc. Modelling light propagation in an antireflection structure stamped on the end of a halogenide IR fiber // Computer Optics 2008. — Vol. 32. Issue 2. — P. 191-194
  • 2 Golovashkin D.L., Kashaikina E.N., Orekhova Y.O. Simulation of sidewall-angle effects on radiation focusing by high-numericalaperture cylindric microlenses // Computer Optics 2008. — Vol. 32. Issue 1. — P. 47-49
  • 1 Golovashkin D.L., Zhuravleva N.N. A parallel-serial algorithm for solving triangular systems on a processor ring // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 3. — P. 332-335
  • 2 Golovashkin D.L., Yegorova E.A., Moiseev O.Y. etc. Choosing the geometry of a halogenide antireflection grating profile based on etching technique capabilities // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2009. — Vol. 18. Issue 4. — P. 268-270
  • 3 Golovashkin D.L., Kazanskiy N.L. Mesh domain decomposition in the finite-difference solution of Maxwell's equations // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2009. — Vol. 18. Issue 3. — P. 203-211
  • 1 IZOTOV P.Yu., SUKhANOV S.V., GOLOVAShKIN D.L. Технология реализации нейросетевого алгоритма в среде CUDA на примере распознавания рукописных цифр. // Computer Optics 2010. — № т.34(2). — P. 243-251
  • 2 Alekseev V.A., GOLOVAShKIN D.L. Векторизация метода распространяющегося пучка и его реализация по технологии CUDA. // Computer Optics 2010. — № т.34(2). — P. 225-230
  • 3 ALEKSEEV V.A., GOLOVAShKIN D.L. Векторизация метода распространяющегося пучка по технологии CUDA // Computer Optics 2010. — № Том № 34 № 2. — P. 225-229
  • 4 Alekseeev V.A., Golovashkin D.L. Vectorization of the beam propagation method using cuda technology // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 2. — P. 225-230
  • 5 Izotov P.Y., Sukhanov S.V., Golovashkin D.L. Technology of implementation of neural network algorithm in cuda environment at the example of handwritten digits recognition // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 2. — P. 243-251
  • 1 ALEKSEEV V.A., GOLOVAShKIN D.L. Investigation of the applicability FD-BPM for solving the problem of electromagnetic radiation propagation through inhomogeneities in the silica fibers obtained by laser pulses of femtosecond // Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics. — 2011. — P. 1 DVD-ROM, SAMP2
  • 2 Izotov P.Y., Kazanskiy N.L., Golovashkin D.L. etc. CUDA-enabled implementation of a neural network algorithm for handwritten digit recognition // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2011. — Vol. 20. Issue 2. — P. 98-106
  • 3 Golovashkin D.L., Kasanskiy N.L. Solving diffractive optics problems using graphics processing units // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2011. — Vol. 20. Issue 2. — P. 85-89
  • 1 Golovashkin D.L., Yablokova L.V. Joint finite-difference solution of the dalamber and maxwell's equations. one-dimensional case // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 527-533
  • 2 Golovashkin D.L., Loganova L.V. Solution of difference equations difference scheme with cyclic boundary conditions on two-dimensional grid areas using multiple graphics computing devices // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 534-540
  • 3 GOLOVAShKIN D.L., Soyfer V.A., KAZANSKIY N.L. etc. Computer desing ofdiffractive opticsCambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2012. 896p.
  • 4 GOLOVAShKIN D.L., LOGANOVA L V. Решение сеточных уравнений неявных разностных схем с циклическими краевыми условиями на двумерных сеточных областях с использованием нескольких графических вычислительных устройств // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36,4. — P. 534-540
  • 5 GOLOVAShKIN D.L., YaBLOKOVA L. V. Совместное разностное решение уравнений Даламбера и Максвелла. Одномерный случай // Computer Optics 2012. — № Т. 36, №4. — P. 527-533
  • 1 Golovashkin D.L., Kochurov A.V. GPU implementation of Jacobi method for data arrays that exceed GPUdedicated memory size // CMMSE 2014: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. — 2014. — P. 770-777
  • 2 D. L. Golovashkin, Vorotngikova D.G. CUBLAS-aided Long Vector Algorithms // Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research 2014. — № Volume 13, Issue 4. — P. 425-431
  • 3 GOLOVAShKIN D.L., Dyachenko P.N., PAVELEV V.S. etc. Diffractive NanophotonicsCRC Press, 2014. 704p.
  • 4 Buldygin E.Y., Golovashkin D.L., Yablokova L.V. Joint finite - Difference solution of the d'alembert and maxwell's equations. two - Dimensional case // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 1. — P. 20-27
  • 5 Golovashkin D.L., Yablokova L.V., Buldygin E.Yu. Совместное разностное решение уравнений Даламбера и Максвелла. Двумерный случай. // Computer Optics 2014. — № 38,1. — P. 20-27
  • 1 Mokshin P.V., Golovashkin D.L., Pavelyev V.S. Interference logic elements based on a Y-shaped defect photonic crystal // Computer Optics 2023. — Vol. 47. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 895-900
  • 2 Soshnikov Daniil Vadimovich, Golovashkin D.L. РАСЧЕТ ФОТОННО-КРИСТАЛЛИЧЕСКОГО ВОЛНОВОДА С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ МЕТОДА ДЕКОМПОЗИЦИИ ОБЛАСТИ // Всероссийская с международным участием научно-техническая конференция с конкурсом научно-исследовательских работ для обучающихся "Аналитические и численные методы моделирования естественно-научных и социальных проблем (АЧМ-2023)". — 2023. — Pt. 1. — P. 39-43
  • 3 Pavelyev V., Krivosheeva Y., Golovashkin D. Genetic Optimization of the Y-Shaped Photonic Crystal NOT Logic Gate // PHOTONICS 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 10. № 10.
  • 4 Krivosheeva Yu.Yu., Golovashkin D.L., Pavelev V.S. Genetic optimization of the Y-shaped photonic crystal logic element NOT // The 30th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies. — 2023. — P. 274
  • 1 Kochurov A., Golovashkin D. GPU implementation of Jacobi Method and Gauss-Seidel Method for Data Arrays that Exceed GPU-dedicated Memory Size // Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research 2015. — Vol. 14. Issue 4. — P. 393-405
  • 2 Kochurov A.V., Vorotnikova D.G., Golovashkin D.L. GPU implementation of Jacobi method for dataarrays that exceed GPU-dedicated memory size // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2015. — Vol. 1490. — P. 414-419
  • 3 Vorotnikova D.G., Golovashkin D.L. Long vectors algorithms for solving grid equations of explicit difference schemes // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 1. — P. 87-93
  • 4 Vorotnikova D.G., Kochurov A.V., Golovashkin D.L. Modeling of GPU computing using difference schemes // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 5. — P. 801-807
  • 5 Vorotnikova D.G., D.L. Golovashkin CUBLAS-aided long vector algorithm for Maxwell’s equations // 15th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. — 2015. — P. 1113-1121
  • 1 Malysheva S.A., Golovashkin D.L. Implementation of the FDTD algorithm on GPU using a pyramid method // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 2. — P. 179-187
  • 2 Golovashkin D.L., Yablokova L.V., Belova E.V. Application of the method of pyramid for synthesis of parallel algorithm for difference solution of the two-dimensional partial differentials equation // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 444-450
  • 3 Yablokova L.V., Golovashkin D.L. Implementation of difference solutions of Maxwell's equations on the GPU by method of pyramid // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 469-476
  • 4 Osadchy A.V., Volotovskiy S. G. , Obraztsova E.D. etc. Band structure calculation of GaSe-based nanostructures using empirical pseudopotential method // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 737. Issue 1.
  • 1 Vorotnikova D.G., Golovashkin D.L. Difference solutions of the wave equation on GPU with reuse of pairwise sums of the differential template // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 1. — P. 134-138
  • 2 Yablokova L.V., Golovashkin D.L. Application of the pyramid method in difference solution d'Alembert equations on graphic processor with the use of Matlab // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1902. — P. 68-70
  • 1 Yablokova L.V., Golovashkin D.L. Block algorithm for the joint difference solution of the d’Alembert and maxwell’s equations // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 2212. — P. 56-62
  • 2 Yablokova L.V., Golovashkin D.L. Block algorithms of a simultaneous difference solution of D’alembert’s and Maxwell’s equations // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 2. — P. 320-327
  • 1 Morunov N.D., Golovashkin D.L. Design features of block algorithms of FDTD-method implemented on a GPU using MATLAB // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 4. — P. 671-676
  • 2 Golovashkin D.L., Yablokova L.V., Reznik I.D. Acceleration of calculations using block algorithms for the difference solution of the heat equation // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 5.
  • 3 Morunov N. D. , Golovashkin D.L. Implementation of the FDTD method block algorithm in the MATLAB language using a graphics processing unit. 2D-decomposition case // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 5.
  • 1 Morunov N. D. , Golovashkin D. Performing of the FDTD method calculations on Sergey Korolev GPUs via MATLAB language // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 2 Golovashkin D., Yablokova L., Subeeva G. R. The possibility investigation of block-algorithm construction using the BPM method // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 1 Golovashkin D.L., Morunov N.D., Yablokova L.V. Block algorithms to solve zheng/chen/zhang’s finite-difference equations // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 3. — P. 461-468
  • 2 Golovashkin D., Yablokova L. Experimental research of block algorithm for the difference solution of heat conduction equation. Implicit Difference Scheme Case // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 1 Mokshin P.V., Golovashkin D., Pavelyev V. etc. Iterative approach based on the FDTD method for the design of metal-dielectric photonic crystal devices // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 1 Pavelyev V.S., Duparre M.R., Luedge B. etc. Invariant laser beams: Fundamental properties and their investigation by computer simulation and optical experiment // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1999. — Vol. 3737. — P. 509-519