федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Outcome (diploma or credits): Master degree in metallurgy
Duration: 2 Years, 120 credits
Price: 114 600 RUR per year

Profile: Production materials and technologies
Enrollment status:  Full-time
Duration: 2 years
Qualification: Master Degree

Brief characteristic of master’s program:      
Educational and research activities are implemented within two Departments: Plastic Working of Metals, Technology of Metals and Aircraft Materials Science. The Departments are equipped with 8 university laboratories and 3 scientific and research laboratories: SRL-37, SRL-41, OSRL-4, as well as 3 modern computer classes. The on-job training of the st
udents is implemented at advanced enterprises of the region such as CJSC «ALCOA-SMP», JSC «RSC-Progress», JSC «Kuznetsov», JSC «Aviacor-aviation plant» and others.
Professional knowledge:
The graduates of the Master’s program acquire deep fundamental and professional knowledge studying the following disciplines: «Composite and Nanostructure Materials», «Theory of plastic Deformation of Materials», «Innovative Management», «Experimental Research Techniques», «Information Technology in Processing of Materials», «Modern Problems of Metallurgy and Materials Science», «Anisotropic and Nanomaterials», «Solid State Physics», «Nanotechnologies», «Technologies and Equipment of Innovative Processes of Materials Deformation», «Heterogeneous Equilibrium».  
Sphere of professional activities:
The goal of educational program is to provide the graduates with the knowledge and practical skills allowing them to become the organizers of the unified information space for controlling the processes of technology design and development. 

Employment potential:
The obtained knowledge and skills allow the program’s graduate to work successfully at engineering and metallurgical enterprises, scientific and research laboratories, to teach at higher education institutions, run a business in the sphere of high technologies. 
International Office 
E-mail: intdep@ssau.ru
Tel.: +7(846) 267 43 73