федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Outcome (diploma or credits): Master of  Science in Aerospace Engineering (SSAU)
Duration: 2 Years, 120 credits
Price: 161 300 RUR per year
Enrollment status: full-time
Duration: 2 years
Qualification: Master’s Degree

Brief Description of Master’s Program: 
The Master’s program is focused on project-oriented activity (Applied Master’s program – the Program). The volume and content of the Program comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of higher education in the direction 24.04.04 Aerospace Engineering (Master’s Degree), approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation dated March 6, 2014 №171.
The purpose of the Program is to train highly qualified specialists for work in the fields of science, engineering and technology in areas related to researching, designing and lifecycle management of aircrafts.
Objects of the professional activity for graduates with Master Degree are the following:
  • aircrafts and other atmospheric aircrafts;
  • methods and tools for designing, simulation and experimental study of atmospheric aircrafts;
  • methods and tools for automated life-cycle management of aircrafts, including project management.

Education is carried out according to the basic and individual training programs, including the possibility of the accelerated training.
The Program features are the following:
  • high academic mobility of students (possibility of a partial studying in the leading universities of Russia, Europe, China);
  • the possibility of passing practice and internship at the leading enterprises and research centers of the country (OJSC “Aviakor”, Samara’s Branch of Design Bureau ”Tupolev”, “Aviaagregat”, CJSC Aviastar-SP, Ulyanovsk’s Branch of Design Bureau ”Tupolev”, “Aerocomposite”, V. M. Myasishchev Experimental Design Bureau, SPA “Raduga”, etc.);
  • the widespread use of interactive methods and distance education systems;
  • an active combination of training with scientific-research work of the Aircraft Design Department and the Research Institute of Aircraft Structures.

Professional skills:
A graduate who has mastered the Program possesses a set of professional skills in the following areas:
  • modern-day problems in aerospace engineering;
  • foreign language as means of business communication;
  • mathematical modeling of mechanical systems and processes;
  • information technologies in aircraft’s designing, including algorithmic languages and programming techniques for high-level languages;
  • aircraft structural design;
  • conceptual aircrafts design;
  • aircrafts manufacturing processes;
  • equipment of aircrafts;
  • strength, reliability and methods of experimental investigation in aerospace engineering;
  • designing and manufacturing of composite structures;
  • CALS-technologies.
The acquired skills are the graduate’s basics for the formation of general cultural and professional competences provided by federal state educational standard (FSES).

The field of professional activity:
The field of professional activity of graduates includes the areas of science, engineering and technologies related to researching, designing, and manufacturing of the aircraft, including product lifecycle management.
A graduate, who was acquainted with the Program, can be prepared for the following professional activity:
  • Design engineering;
  • Engineering technology;
  • Scientific research;
  • Organization and management.
Specialization during an educational process of mastering the Program according to the baseline curriculum is reached by studying subjects up to the student's choice, individual programs, practical and research works of students, content of final qualifying works.
Training on an individual curriculum is generally carried out in close cooperation with the enterprises - a place of the future employment of graduates either for intensive training of graduates to continue their post-graduating studies (to obtain post-graduate education).

Employment opportunities:
In our country enterprises of aircraft industry is currently experiencing an acute need for the specialists of almost all skill levels at the direction “Aerospace Engineering”. Over the years, these needs are satisfied not fully.
Experiences show that graduates especially with Master Degree have practically guaranteed employment opportunities at enterprises of aerospace cluster in Samara Region (OJSC “Aviakor”, Samara’s Branch of Design Bureau ”Tupolev”, “Aviaagregat”, etc.), Ulyanovsk Region (CJSC Aviastar-SP, Ulyanovsk’s Branch of Design Bureau ”Tupolev”, “Aerocomposite”, etc.) and Central Federal District (V. M. Myasishchev Experimental Design Bureau, SPA “Raduga”, etc.)
International Office 
E-mail: intdep@ssau.ru
Tel.: +7(846) 267 43 73