Scientific educational center of gas-dynamics research (SEC GDR-209)
Scientific supervisor Matveev Valery Nikolayevich
Building 11, room 301
334-72-00, 264-45-86
Scientific fields of the work:
- The study of environmental problems of aircraft engines Изучение экологических проблем двигателей летательных аппаратов.
- Gas dynamics of sub-, trans-, super-and hypersonic flows.
- Gas dynamics.
- Multiphase flow dynamics
- Chemical physics.
- Training simulator for the test of aircraft engine AI-25
- Equipment set for the scientific and educational laboratory "industrial ecology"
- Gas analyzer Quintox 9106.
- Portable thermal imager IRTIS-2000NB.
- Automated laboratory for the study of gasoline engines.
- Educational and research equipment set for diagnostics and research of heat flows
- Educational and research equipment set for diagnosis and monitoring light fluxes.
- Educational and research equipment set for the parameter analysis of gas-dynamic flows and electric energy flows.
- Thermal imaging kit М 7604F.
- Educational and research equipment set for the development of modern energy saving technologies and energy-efficient electronic devices.
- Research system of infrared radiation RST (RKT) 3748.
- Educational and research complex of automated gas-dynamic studies.
- Liquid chromatograph LYUMACHROME with a spectrofluorimetric detector.
- Laboratory for carrying out chemmatological research.
- Optical system of the phase Doppler flow measurement 3D PDA.
- Equipment complex for the injection of the particles while investigating flows.
- Educational and research complex equipment for analyzing the structure of microflows.
- Educational and research complex equipment for studying the structure of the flame using the method PLIF.