федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Field of study: Rocket Complexes and Astronautics
Level: Bachelor's Degree
Code: 24.03.01

Anastasia Vladimirovna Krestina
Denis Petrovich Avaryaskin
Contact number:
8 (927) 899-86-26
8 (937) 067-87-57

Certificate, degree or qualification: Bachelor’s Diploma
Language of instruction: Russian
Mode of study: full-time
Duration: 4 years
Availability of free education: yes
Tuition fee: 210 000 RUB per year

Program description:

The educational program forms competencies in the field of space technology by illustrating theoretical material through real spacecraft — nanosatellites — which are created at the inter-university Space Technology Department. Unique equipment of the department’s laboratories offers a wide selection of modern microelectronic and micromechanical technologies for teaching students and provides an opportunity to conduct a full range of tests of spacecraft weighing up to 10 kg. Currently, nanosatellites are used for a wide range of fundamental and applied tasks, such as studying near-Earth space and solar-terrestrial relations, Earth observation, supporting data collection and transmission from remote terminals, control of maritime navigation and air traffic, etc.


– to search, critically analyze and synthesize information, apply a systematic approach to problem solving;
– to determine the range of tasks to achieve the established goal and choose the best ways to solve them, based on the current legal norms, available resources and limitations;
– to manage time, build and implement a self-development trajectory based on the principles of lifelong learning;
– to apply natural science and general engineering knowledge, methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research in professional activities;
– to use modern information technology to solve typical problems in design, construction, production, testing, and operation of objects of professional activity;
– to provide technical support for the development of basic and detailed design documentation for any type of equipment, etc.


Research engineer
Structural engineer
Mechanical engineer
CAD engineer
Systems engineer