федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Field of study: 24.03.05 Aircraft Engines
Level and credentials: Bachelor’s Degree (UNESCO ISCED-2011 Level 6)
Program manager:
Mr. Zrelov Vladimir 
Department of Aircraft Engine Construction and Design, professor
E-mail: zrelov.va@ssau.ru
Language of instruction: English
Mode of study: full-time
Duration: 4 years
Full tuition scholarship: available through "Education in the Russian Federation for Foreigners" 
Tuition fee: 237, 500 RUB per year

About the program

Graduates are skilled in solving complex scientific, technical and managerial problems in the development, modernization and operation of aircraft engines and various power plants.
The training uses world-class training equipment and Europe's largest collection of aviation gas turbine engines, as well as state-of-the-art software to help you learn how to create a 'digital' twin.

During the training students:
- study the structures and systems of gas turbine engines and power plants, the existing problems of new generation engines anв their solutions;
- develop skills in use of CAD/CAE/PLM – packages that are demand in business;
- will have the opportunity to the participate in double degree programmes with foreign universities.

The qualifications obtained at the university allow for the design and modernisation of aircraft engines and power plants for various purposes for a wide range of companies using modern information technology, as well as the operation of gas turbine technology in the oil and gas industry.

Intended learning outcomes

The graduate is capable of:
- performing a problem – oriented formulation of the research problem, conduct experimental research;
- creating numerical models and carry out process modelling;
- participating in the design and development of engines and power plants using modern information technology;
- critically analyses problematic situations in a systematic way and develop a strategy for action;
- managing the project through all stages of its life cycle;
- producing scientific publications and scientific and technical reports;
- organizing the operation and repair of gas facilities at compressor stations.

Graduate destinations

Computer – Aided Design and Design Management Services
Product Development Manager
Construction Engineer
Project Engineer
Testing Engineer
Compression Unit Performance Engineer