федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

International scientific conference "Perspective information technologies (PIT-2013)"

Event type: Conference
Location: Samara, 34, Moskovskoye shosse
Date: 04.12.2013 - 06.12.2013
Organizer: SSAU
Сайт: http://www.ssau.ru/
Email: sp.prokhorov@gmail.com

Detailed information

Organizing committee Prof. Sergei A. Prokhorov, Head of Information Systems and Technology Department (IST), Chairman Associate prof. Anton V. Ivashchenko, IST Department, Vice-chairman Associate prof. Ilona M Kulikovskikh, IST Department, Conference secretary Prof. Sergei V Vostokin, IST Department Associate prof.  Valentin P Deryabkin, IST Department Associate prof.  Dmitrii Elenev, IST Department Prof. Yurii M Zabolotnov , IST Department Prof. Tatiana I Mikheyeva, IST Department Prof. Aleksander Nesterov, professor of philosophy Associate prof. Olga P Soldatova - Ph.D., of ISTThe conference covers the following topics:  - Automated systems research  - Intelligent information systems  - Information technology of high-performance computing  - Information technology in transport  - Modeling and analysis of complex technical systems  - Multi-agent simulation technology and management  - Training methods and software  - Philosophy of artificial intelligence and transhumanismForms of participation  • Plenary speach (15 min)  • Presentation (10 min)  • Attendance  • Online participation with publications in the proceedingsPaper submission Papers should be emailed to the organizing committee by November 1, 2013  • paper length - 2-4 A4 pages  • application form (see the attachment)Contacts 34, Moskovskoe shosse, Samara, 443086, Samara, Russia Samara State Aerospace University, Information Systems and Technologies Department Phone: +7 (846) 267-46-72 e-mail: sp.prokhorov @ gmail.com