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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
The Advanced Aerospace Engineering School: We Have the First Graduates!

The Advanced Aerospace Engineering School: We Have the First Graduates!

Самарский университет

At the first enrolment of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School at Samara University over one third graduates merited diplomas with honors

11.07.2024 1970-01-01

The first graduates of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School (AAES) of Samara National Research University received their diplomas. In the “first wave”, 15 graduates were awarded their Bachelor’s Degrees on June 15, and 13 graduates of the Bachelor’s program and 30 graduates of the Master’s program were given certificates of their graduation from the AAES on July 9. They are experts in space engineering, information technologies, aircraft builders and engine builders.

It is a coincidence that the first graduates of Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (now Samara University) received diplomas 80 years ago. In 1944, only 10 people received the diplomas of engineers: 9 majored in motor building and one in aircraft building. 10 diplomas of engineers were a giant step forward, the first great victory for the higher educational establishment that operated only two years since its establishment.

Why are such a significant victory that about three thousand young specialists, with over one thousands engineers annually graduate Samara University, the first 58 graduates of the AAES are such a significant victory?

“Just several days ago, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov had a working meeting with the President of Russia and they spoke exactly about the Advanced Engineering Schools, their first graduates, and it means that they spoke about you”, Ivan Tkachenko, Deputy Rector, Director of the AAES of Samara University said at the graduation ceremony. “We participate in a very important project for this country, the goal of which is to join the higher school and industry, and the main result should be for you, the engineers of the new formation, to come to enterprises and create both advanced products and advanced technologies”.

The students studied two years according to the new original educational programs, training in the new educational spaces, participation in complex research projects, on-the-job training and working with tutors. Each graduate has his or her own future way. Some of them have already chosen the enterprise to launch their engineering careers and some decided to stay in their alma mater and dedicate themselves to science.

In 2022, Daniil Iskvorin and Anastasia Kryukova took part in the competition and got in the first enrolment in the Master’s Program at the AAES. Today, they were given the Master’s diplomas with honors. Anastasia graduated from the Master’s aircraft building course majoring in innovation and digitalization in the production of aircrafts. Daniil is an expert in engines, his Master’s Degree combines engineering and computer science – he majored in artificial intelligence and Big Data in engine building. Why did they prefer to enter the Master’s Degree at the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School after getting their Bachelor’s Degrees instead of traditional and being in demand engineering Master’s course?

As Anastasia Kryukova said, “Nowadays, innovative digital technologies are being introduced in the manufacture of aircrafts everywhere, it is being automated, robotized. I liked it that at the AAES there is an opportunity to study it all and use in one’s work in contrast to the traditional Master’s course”.

During her studies teachers of the Master’s Degree interested student in simulation modeling. This subject was not included in the training program, but there are all opportunities created at the AAES to study it, and Anastasia used them. The opportunity to master and use digital technologies also became the decisive argument for choosing the Master’s Degree for Daniil.

Daniil Iskvorin explained his choice as follows: “After enrolling in the Master’s Degree at the AAES, I developed the competences that I had received at the Bachelor’s course of the Institute of Engine and Power Plant Engineering, and in addition I acquired some new ones – those mastered by the students of the Institute of IT and Cybernetics. It is impossible to major like I did at the AAES having the traditional Master’s course at the Institute of Engine and Power Plant Engineering”.

Multidisciplinarity is one of the “cherries on a cake” of the AAES educational programs. Here every student acquired a number of connected competences – in particular in the field of digital technologies. Some of the graduates of engineering Bachelor’s courses fully plunge into IT when studying for their Master’s Degree.

Daniil Iskvorin is a participant of the main divisions creation of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School project– Cyberphysical Factory of Small-sized Gas Turbine Engines. He was engaged in software adaptation. The project gave him invaluable experience in teamwork. Anastasia Kryukova got a similar experience participating in the quality management and remotely piloted aerial vehicle development projects. She even performed as a tutor sharing her knowledge in simulation modeling with students studying for the Bachelor’s Degree at the AAES.

Yes, it is more difficult to study at the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School than according to the traditional engineering programs. Nevertheless, each fourth Bachelor at the AAES (7 out of 28) was awarded a diploma with honors. There are even more diplomas with honors received by the Master’s – nearly one half, 14 out of 30. One third of the first graduates confirmed the top level of their knowledge and work skills.

Ivan Tkachenko addressed the graduates saying, “You are the ones who opened the first page of the big book of success of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School. Today, you were given the desired diplomas but history only starts now. You have a great future in front on you, and we’ll be happy to follow your career, your fate”.

He mentioned that our times require continuous development from engineers, they have to go on studying all the lives, and the AAES gives all the opportunities for that. Since 2022, several additional professional education programs and advanced training programs have been launched here, and perspective plans include the establishment of its own postgraduate course.

The development of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School is impossible without industrial partners. One of them is PJSC “ODK – Kuznetsov”. This company is one of the main employers for the AAES graduates.

Vladimir Pavlov, Deputy General Constructor for Science at the PJSC “ODK – Kuznetsov” addressed young specialists with the following wishes: “You are grown-up, successful people. To those of you planning to tie your lives with science and enter a post-graduate course, I wish success in studies and new discoveries. And to those of you choosing an engineering career I wish successful performance at the enterprises of our Motherland”.

One wants to say the most important things to your students on the day of parting. The teachers of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School found the right, most suitable words that the students of yesterday will remember many years later.

“You are the best, you are the future engineering elite. Do not be afraid to dream, do not be afraid of responsibility, do not be afraid to make mistakes and never give up! And remember: the doors of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School are always open to you”, Vitaly Smelov, Deputy Director of the AAES, said to the graduates.

Dmitry Antipov, head of the Department of Aircraft Manufacture and Quality Management in Machine Engineering, spoke briefly and straight to the point, “You are the first graduates of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School and I wish you to be the first in everything!”

Andrey Boldyrev, head of the Department of Aircraft Construction and Design, wished young people to be happy and in demand, “I’d like to wish you happiness because happiness is the main thing for which a person lives. And surely I wish you to always be in demand because this is one of the components of happiness”.

Be the first, be the best, do not be afraid of responsibility, dream, lead the way and know that they remember you in your alma mater and are happy to hear of your success – one can take up solution of any tasks after such parting words.