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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Sagatov, Evgeny S.

  • Department of Supercomputers and General Informatics, senior researcher
  • 1 Sagatov E.S., Maykhub S. , Sukhov A.M. etc. Proactive Detection for Countermeasures on Port Scanning based Attacks // Proceedings of the 2021 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management: Smart Management for Future Networks and Services, CNSM 2021. — 2021. — P. 402-406
  • 1 Maykhub S. , Sagatov E.S., Piluga A.A. etc. Video streaming in ad hoc networks // Proceedings - Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. — 2020. — Vol. 2020-October.
  • 1 Shkirdov D.A., Sagatov E.S., Dmitrenko P.S. Trap method in ensuring data security // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2019. — Vol. 2416. — P. 189-198
  • 2 Sagatov E.S., Shkirdov D.A., Sukhov A.M. Analysis of network threats based on data from server-traps // 2019 10th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2019 - Proceedings and Workshop. — 2019. —
  • 3 Sagatov E.S., Sukhov A.M. Assessment technologies of communication quality in MANET networks // 2019 10th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2019 - Proceedings and Workshop. — 2019. —
  • 1 Shkirdov D.A., Sagatov E.S., Sukhov A.M. etc. Building a Network Intrusion Model Based on Data from Honeypots // 2018 26th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2018 - Proceedings. — 2018. —
  • 2 Salimov A.S., Dolgopolov N.M., Sukhov A.M. etc. Application of SDN Technologies to Protect Against Network Intrusions // 2018 International Scientific and Technical Conference Modern Computer Network Technologies, MoNeTeC 2018 - Proceedings. — 2018. —
  • 1 Sagatov E.S., Timofeeva S.V., Filimonov D.V. etc. Data Exchange in Self-Organizing Wireless Networks with Low Latency // Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN. — 2017. — Vol. 2017-October. — P. 531-534
  • 2 Sagatov E.S., Samoilova D.V., Sukhov A.M. etc. Composite distribution for one-way packet delay in the global network // 24th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2016. — 2017. —
  • 3 Sukhov A.M., Sagatov E.S., Baskakov A.V. Rank distribution for determining the threshold values of network variables and the analysis of DDoS attacks // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 201. — P. 417-427
  • 4 Vinogradov N.I., Sagatov E.S., Sukhov A.M. Measurement of One-Way Delays in IP Networks // Measurement Techniques 2017. — Vol. 60. Issue 4. — P. 359-365
  • 1 Vinogradov, Nikita I., Sagatov, Evgeny S., Sukhov, Andrei M. Device for measuring one-way network delay with microsecond accuracy // 2015 23RD TELECOMMUNICATIONS FORUM TELFOR (TELFOR). — 2015. — P. 133-136
  • 1 Sukhov, A. M., Sagatov, E. S., Baskakov, A. V. Analysis of Internet service user audiences for network security problems // 2014 IEEE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ISTT). — 2014. — P. 214-219
  • 1 Sagatov E.S., Sukhov A.M. Duplication of key frames of video streams in wireless networks // IFIP Wireless Days. — 2011. — Vol. 1. Issue 1.
  • 1 Sagatov E.S., Sukhov A.M., Calyam P. Influence of distortions of key frames on video transfer in wireless networks // 2010 5th International Symposium on I/V Communications and Mobile Networks, ISIVC 2010. — 2010. —