федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

"History. Semiotics. Culture"

Event type: Conference
Location: Samara, Moscow highway 34 Samara State Aerospace University named after S.P. Korolyov
Date: 23.11.2018 - 24.11.2018
Organizer: Samara University

Detailed information

Philosophy Department of Samara National Research University holds the Second All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation "History. Semiotics. Culture", dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Friedrich Schleiermacher.The conference will cover topical issues related to: - Philosophical Hermeneutics in Historical Retrospect - The Hermeneutic Turn in the Sciences of Culture - Philosophical and Theological Heritage of Friedrich Schleiermacher: Modern Interpretations - Hermeneutics and Philosophy of History - Procedures of Understanding and Interpretation in Historical Knowledge - Correlation and Interrelation of Hermeneutics and Semiotics - Philosophical and Technological HermeneuticsOrganizing CommitteeChairman: Leonov Mikhail Mikhaylovich, Head of Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Doctoral Degree in History;Members: Nesterov Alexander Yurevich, Head of Philosophy Department, Doctoral Degree in Philosophy; Demin Ilya Vyacheslavovich, Professor, Doctoral Degree in Philosophy; Lishaev Sergey Aleksandrovich, Professor, Doctoral Degree in Philosophy; Ognev Aleksander Nikolaevich, Associate Professor, Candidate Degree in Philosophy.Secretary: Demina Anna Ivanovna, Specialist on Educational and Methodical Work of Philosophy Department. Address: office 428 of building № 5, 34, Moskovskoye Shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia Telephone: 8(846) 267-47-87 – Department of Philosophy. E-mail: ilyadem83@yandex.ru. There are two forms of participation – full-time and part-time. Travel expenses with full-time participation – at the expense of the sending party. Following the results of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of articles. The conference materials will be placed in the RISC system. The Organizing Committee reserves the right not to accept materials that are not related to the subject of the conference or the requirements for scientific publications.When submitting materials for graduate (master’s degree candidates) and post-graduate students, the full name of the candidate and contact information of the supervisor must be indicated. Participation in the conference is free (without an organizational fee).If you are interested in this conference, please forward your proposal and the article, the volume of which should not exceed 20 000 symbols with intervals (0,5 p.p.), till November 1, 2018. The application and the text of the article (report) are accepted in electronic form in the formats * .doc, * .rtf.Materials should be sent to: semiotika2017@yandex.ru and /or ilyadem83@yandex.ru. The file should look like: Ivanov.doc. In the subject of the letter, please indicate: Conference "History. Semiotics. Culture".When submitting your request, please provide the following information: 1. Title of the presentation (article); 2. Full name; 3. Academic Degree; 4. Academic Title; 5. Institution or Affiliation; 6. Job title (for those who work); 7. Telephone; 8. Address (to forward the collection); 9. E-mail; 10. Form of participation (full-time/part-time); 11. Do you require temporary accommodation? (yes/no); 12. Do you require an official invitation from the Organizing Committee? (yes/no); 13. Do you require audio-visual equipment to be used in the presentation? (if yes, indicate which).Abstract Guidelines for Papers The text of the report should be typed in Times New Roman, 14 pins, with the single interval, the page parameters should be 2 cm from the edge, the pages should be numbered in the centre below. On the first page, the surname, initials of the author (authors) and the city are first indicated, the second line should contain academic degree, academic title, position and place of work. The title of the report is written in the centre. After the title of the report, an abstract and key words are given. Then the name, initials, title of the report, abstract, keywords are indicated in English.The total volume of the text should not exceed 0.5 p.p. (20 000 symbols including intervals). References within the article are enclosed in square brackets indicating the source and page number (GOST R 7.0.5-2008): [4, p. 16]. The dot is placed outside the brackets. The list of literature should be given in the alphabetical order at the end of the article.