федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Media about us

samara.aif.ru: Will the Neural Network Replace People? Scientists Have Forecast the Probability for “Rise of the Machines”
samara.aif.ru: Will the Neural Network Replace People? Scientists Have Forecast the Probability for “Rise of the Machines”

Editorial Board of samara.aif.ru decided to turn to experts and find out how real the threat of “rise of the machines” or cyberwar is


RIA Novosti: “Fortresses Against Free Lands. Why Did the Volga Cossacks Fail?”
RIA Novosti: “Fortresses Against Free Lands. Why Did the Volga Cossacks Fail?”

Read about it in the article prepared jointly with Eduard Dubman


Smile, You Are on a Satellite: the Scientist Told Us about Outer Space in the Life of Samara Residents
Smile, You Are on a Satellite: the Scientist Told Us about Outer Space in the Life of Samara Residents

The scientist of Samara University told how many times a day and which way people use information from outer space


oboz.info: Universities in the Samara Region Increase Sales of Research Results
oboz.info: Universities in the Samara Region Increase Sales of Research Results

Regional universities use every opportunity to earn money from their scientific activities and profitably implement their own innovative projects


oboz.info: In the Samara Region, Artificial Intelligence Is Allowed to Optimize Management Processes
oboz.info: In the Samara Region, Artificial Intelligence Is Allowed to Optimize Management Processes

By 2030, digital transformation using innovative services and neural networks will affect most industries in the Samara Region


sobaka.ru: Ivan Antonov: “For Me, the Most Interesting Thing is to Understand How the Gears of the Universe Turn”
sobaka.ru: Ivan Antonov: “For Me, the Most Interesting Thing is to Understand How the Gears of the Universe Turn”

Interview with Ivan Antonov, Senior Researcher at the Samara branch of the LPI, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics at Samara University


kp.ru: “Planes Powered by Coal and Vegetable Oil”- a scientist from Samara Told Us about Aviation of Future and about Competition in Science
kp.ru: “Planes Powered by Coal and Vegetable Oil”- a scientist from Samara Told Us about Aviation of Future and about Competition in Science

заголовокScientist of Samara University Zubrilin, “Biofuels will reduce carbon emissions by 80%”
