On Saturday, the 12th of October, at the premises of SSAU campus there was held the Day of Health "Golden Autumn"
In the Samara State Aerospace University, which was included this year in the list of the 15 leading higher educational institutions, the XII conference in honor of academician S. Korolev began
In early October, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is planning another call for applications to participate in Skoltech Innovation Programme, SIP)
The NEICON consortium provides free test access to three platforms of electronic resources of McGraw-Hill Education company
During the academic board rector of SSAU Evgeniy Shakhmatov and professor of University of Vigo Fernando Aguado Agelet signed a cooperation agreement and academic mobility agreement
During C’Space 2013 students from SSAU successfully launched model of Soyuz-2 rocket with the atmospheric sounder as a payload engineered by ISAE-Supaero students