федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


Samara University Team Won Silver at WorldSkillsHiTech Championship
Samara University Team Won Silver at WorldSkillsHiTech Championship

The results of the championship on professional excellence in the competencies of high-tech industries were summed up in Yekaterinburg


A Copy of the Ancient Magyar Ring Handed Over to Hungary as Part of Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Budapest
A Copy of the Ancient Magyar Ring Handed Over to Hungary as Part of Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Budapest

The original of the ring dates back to the 9th century. It was found by Samara University archaeologists during excavations carried out in one of the districts of the Samara Region


“We are in the position of a tightrope walker – but in our case to calculate the balance we deal with numbers”
“We are in the position of a tightrope walker – but in our case to calculate the balance we deal with numbers”

Interview with Professor of Samara University Department of Space Engineering Olga Starinova and Director of the Center for Theoretical Physics of the City University of New York Roman Kezerashvili


Scientists Study Fuel Combustion Features to Create New Engines
Scientists Study Fuel Combustion Features to Create New Engines

Samara University researchers together with foreign colleagues discovered previously unknown growth mechanisms of aromatic molecules


Samara University’s first project with CERN OpenLab
Samara University’s first project with CERN OpenLab

A partnership was signed in October 2018 between CERN OpenLab and Samara University


Serbian Scientists and Samara University Agreed on Joint Projects in the Field of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Serbian Scientists and Samara University Agreed on Joint Projects in the Field of Unmanned Aerial Systems

A cooperation agreement has been signed with the College of applied technical science of Niš

