Multiple access center "Interuniversity Mediacenter in Samara"
Scientific supervisor Kuzmichev Venedict Stepanovich
Building 15, building 16
267-48-20, 267-43-09, 270-90-13
Scientific fields of the work:
- The creation and support of communication media environment
- The organization of full access for students, lecturers and researchers of educational institutions for the distributed system of information resources.
- Numerical simulation of strength, aerodynamic and other characteristics of high-tech products.
- Providing with computer workstations for lecturers and students to create presentations.
- Creating of electronic textbooks and multimedia applications
- High-quality digitization of printed, audio and video materials, printing of electronic publications and printing documents.
- The implementation of the formation system of information user competence.
- Providing advisory and methodological support for the creation of multimedia and introduction of innovative technologies for the various forms of education.
- Providing information and technological support for distance learning, including remote lecture mode, teleconferences, online debates, discussions, etc.
- Carrying out activities to promote the presentation of information tech services in various industries.
- The creation, support and development of the range of information services.
- Supercomputer “Sergey Korolev”