федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Platonov, Igor A.

  • Faculty of Physics, dean
  • leading researcher
  • Department of Chemistry, head
  • 1 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Kolesnichenko I.N. etc. Express analysis of acetone in exhaled air for diagnosing diabetes mellitus; [Экспресс-анализ ацетона в выдыхаемом воздухе при диагностике сахарного диабета] // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2024. — Vol. 24. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 180-196
  • 2 Platonov I.A., Novikova E.A., Karsunkina A.S. MODIFICATION OF BLOCK-POROUS SYSTEMS WITH SORPTION-ACTIVE MATERIALS [МОДИФИЦИРОВΑНИЕ БЛОЧНО-ПОРОЗНЫХ СИСТЕМ СОРБЦИОННО-ΑКТИВНЫМИ МΑТЕРИΑЛΑМИ] // Industrial Laboratory. Materials Diagnostics 2024. — Vol. 90. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 12-18
  • 3 Tokranov A.A., Tokranova E.O., Shafigulin R.V. etc. Mesoporous Silica Gel Doped with Dysprosium, Lanthanum and Modified with Silver as a Catalyst for Selective Hydrogenation of a 1-Heptyne/1-Heptene Mixture // Catalysis Letters 2024. — Vol. 154. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 1684-1693
  • 4 Platonov I.A., Mukhanova I.M., Labaev M.Yu. etc. HPLC analysis of synthetic dyes in wastewater // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2024. — Vol. 24. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 236-245
  • 5 Vdovina G.I., Pavlova L.V., Platonov I.A. etc. A STUDY OF SUBCRITICAL WATER AND ETHANOLIC EXTRACTS OF ROSEMARY LEAVES (ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS L.) BY GC-MS // Khimiya Rastitel'nogo Syr'ya 2024. — Vol. 2. — P. 320-328
  • 1 PLATONOV I.A., NIKITChENKO N.V., Onuchak L.A. etc. Gas Chromatografphy Parameters of Volative Compounds in Growths and Pharmaceutikals of Milk Thistle (Silibum marianum L.) // Journal of Analitical Chtmistry 2013. — № V.67, №6. — P. 560-564
  • 2 Platonov I.A., Novikova E.A., Nikitchenko N. V. etc. Caprolactam and nitrobenzene desorption from polymeric sorbents by subcritical water // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013. — Vol. 7. Issue 8. — P. 938-942
  • 1 Berezkin V.G., Platonov I.A., Lepskij M.V. etc. Use of the interfacial equilibrium in a gas-nonvolatile liquid system for preparation of a gas flow containing trace amounts of volatile compounds // Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii 2003. — Vol. 77. Issue 7. — P. 1341
  • 2 Berezkin V.G., Platonov I.A., Lepskii M.V. etc. Use of the interfacial equilibrium in a gas-nonvolatile liquid system for the preparation of a gas flow containing trace amounts of volatile compounds // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2003. — Vol. 77. Issue 7. — P. 1204-1206
  • 1 Kayutkina N.I., Platonov I.A., Bulanova A.V. Sample preparation in quantitative gas chromatography analysis of toxic impurities in air environments // Zavodskaya Laboratoriya. Diagnostika Materialov 2004. — Vol. 70. Issue 2. — P. 3-6
  • 2 Kayutkina N.I., Platonov I.A., Bulanova A.V. Sample pretreatment and chromatographic determination of benz[a]pyrene in wastewater // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 2004. — Vol. 77. Issue 8. — P. 1379-1381
  • 1 Platonov I.A., Ismagilov D.R., Kudryashov S. Yu. etc. Generating gas flows with a constant trace concentration of hydrogen sulfide // Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2006. — Vol. 61. Issue 1. — P. 52-57
  • 1 Onuchak L.A., Platonov I.A., Smirnov P.V. etc. The influence of temperature on the gas chromatographic retention of n-alkanes, arenes, and alkanols in a PLOT capillary column with aerosil // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2008. — Vol. 82. Issue 4. — P. 643-646
  • 2 Platonov I.A., Onuchak L.A., Marfutina N.I. etc. Chromatographic properties of open tubular columns with an adsorption layer of aerosil // Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2008. — Vol. 63. Issue 1. — P. 46-51
  • 1 Onuchak L.A., Platonov I.A., Mukhanova I.M. etc. Chromatographic properties of a capillary column with the Aerosil modified with nematic 4-methoxy-4'-ethoxyazoxybenzene // Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2009. — Vol. 64. Issue 7. — P. 725-730
  • 1 PLATONOV I.A., NIKITChENKO N.V., Arutyunov Yu.I. etc. Subcritical Water Extraction of Biolgically Active Substances from Milk Thistle Seed (Silybum murianum) // Russian Journal Physical Chemistry B 2010. — № Vol.3, No.8. — P. 1211-1216
  • 2 Platonov I.A., Nikitchenko N. V. , Onuchak L.A. etc. Subcritical water extraction of biologically active substances from milk thistle seed (Silybum murianum L.) // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010. — Vol. 4. Issue 8. — P. 1211-1216
  • 1 Onuchak L.A., Arutyunov Yu.I., Platonov I.A. etc. Gas chromatography parameters of volatile compounds in growths and pharmaceuticals of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.) // Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2012. — Vol. 67. Issue 6. — P. 560-564
  • 1 Platonov I., Kolesnichtnko I., Novikova E. etc. Chromato-desorbtion microsystems for air monitoring // Science of the Future. — 2014. — P. 1-1
  • 2 Platonov I., Platonov V., Gorunov M. etc. Planar Microchromatographic systems for the Rapid Analisis of Gas Mixtures // 30th International Symposium on Chromatography. — 2014. — P. 2-2
  • 3 Platonov I., Pavlova L., Novikova E. etc. Application of Chromatography in the Investigation of Medicinal Plants // 30th International Symposium on Chromatography. — 2014. — P. 1-1
  • 4 Platonov I.A., Pavlova L.V., Novikova E.A. etc. Extraction of biologically active compounds from medicinal plant raw material by extractants in subcritical state // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2014. — Vol. 50. Issue 6. — P. 762-767
  • 5 Batkova I.A., Valiulina D.F., Mararova N.V. etc. Analysis of chemical composition and antioxidant properties of different varieties of applesduring their storage period // Proceeding Advances in Enviromental Biology 2014. — № № 8(12). — P. 27-33
  • 1 Platonov Igor Artemevich, Platonov V.I., Anikina M.A. etc. Тренды в отечественном аналитическом приборостроении для определения газовых сред // Всероссийский научно-практический семинар "Инновации и "зелёные" технологии в газохимии и нефтепереработке". — 2023. — P. 72-78
  • 2 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Balashova A.I. etc. VARIABLE MICROFLUIDIC DOSING VALVE FOR GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY // Industrial Laboratory. Materials Diagnostics 2023. — Vol. 89. Issue 7. № 7. — P. 8-13
  • 3 Tokranov A.A., Tokranova E.O., Shagifulin R.V. etc. Selective hydrogenation of 1-hexyne/1-hexene mixture on mesoporous silica gel doped with dysprosium, lanthanum, and modified with silver // Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 2023. — Vol. 136. Issue 1. № 1. — P. 217-231
  • 4 Platonov I.A., Mukhanova I.M., Kolesnichenko I.N. etc. Study of the possibility of obtaining constant concentrations of organically soluble analytes in organic media during the operation of monolithic chromato-desorption systems in a static mode // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2023. — Vol. 23. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 158-170
  • 5 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Novikova E.A. etc. Optimization of chromatographic analysis by using a new composite heat insulation material based on aerogel and a polymer matrix as part of a thermostat of a gas microchromatograph // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2023. — Vol. 23. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 182-188
  • 6 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Agafonov A.N. etc. Technology for the production and studying the gas-dynamic characteristics of microfluidic gas chromatographic columns on silicon substrates; [Технология создания и исследование газодинамических характеристик микрофлюидных газохроматографических колонок на кремниевых подложках] // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2023. — Vol. 23. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 343-350
  • 7 Margaryan A.E., Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N. etc. Planar microfluid concentrators based on Silagerm 8040 for sampling and sample preparation for the analysis of gas media // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2023. — Vol. 23. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 732-740
  • 8 Pavlova L.V., Platonov I.A., Pushkarev G.A. Subcritical Water Extracts of Japanese Kelp as a Potential Base for Functional Nutrition // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2023. — Vol. 17. Issue 8. № 8. — P. 1640-1645
  • 9 Platonov I.A., Bryksin A.S., Mukhanova I.M. etc. A comparative assessment of the operation of monolithic chromatography-desorption systems in static and dynamic extraction modes; [Сравнительная оценка работы монолитных хромато-десорбционных систем в статическом и динамическом режимах экстракции] // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2023. — Vol. 23. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 504-513
  • 10 Platonov I.A., Novikova E.A., Kolesnichenko I.N. etc. A study of sorption processes in chromato-desorption systems based on nanostructured polymer sorbent Polysorb-1; [Исследование сорбционных процессов в хромато-десорбционных системах на основе наноструктурированного полимерного сорбента Полисорб-1] // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2023. — Vol. 23. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 495-503
  • 1 I.A. Platonov, V.I. Platonov, V.S. Pavelyev etc. Planar Gas Chromotography Column on Aluminum Plate with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes As Stationary Phase // 2nd Inrernational Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano 2015 . — 2015. — P. 125-127
  • 2 Pavlova L.V., Platonov I.A., Nikitchenko N. V. etc. Evaluation of the efficiency of volatile organic compounds extraction from eucalyptus viminalis (Eucalypti viminalis Labill) using subcritical extractants // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2015. — Vol. 9. Issue 8. — P. 1109-1115
  • 3 Platonov I.A., Lange P.K., Kolesnichenko I.N. etc. The Dynamic Characteristics of a Thermal Conductivity Microdetector for Gas Analyzers // Measurement Techniques 2015. — Vol. 58. Issue 6. — P. 724-728
  • 4 Ivleva E.A., Platonov I.A., Klimochkin Yu.N. Improved approach towards synthesis of adamantane-1,3,5-triol // Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2015. — Vol. 85. Issue 8. — P. 1830-1833
  • 5 Rodinkov O.V., Zhuravlyova G.A., Vaskova E.A. etc. Potassium fluoride as a selective moisture trapping agent for SPE-TD-GC-FID determination of volatile organic compounds in air // Analytical Methods 2015. — Vol. 7. Issue 2. — P. 458-465
  • 6 Sidel’nikov V.N., Nikolaeva O.A., Platonov I.A. Stationary phases deposition on the planar columns capillaries // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2015. — Vol. 51. Issue 6. — P. 1065-1075
  • 7 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Goryunov M.G. A gas chromatograph based on planar systems // Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2015. — Vol. 70. Issue 9. — P. 1158-1163
  • 1 Sidelnikov V.N., Nikolaeva O.A., Platonov I.A. etc. Gas chromatography of the future: Columns whose time has come // Russian Chemical Reviews 2016. — Vol. 85. Issue 10. — P. 1033-1055
  • 2 Tupikova E.N. , Platonov I.A. Pt-Ni nanocatalyst obtained from binary complex in hydrothermal condition // International Conference on Advances in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN-2016). — 2016. — P. 106-107
  • 3 Platonov I.A., Novikova E.A., Kolesnichenko I.N. etc. Sorption nanomaterials based on metal - rubber. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology // International Conference on Advances in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN-2016). — 2016. — P. 104-105
  • 4 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Arutyunov Y.I. Planar microchromatographic columns for gas chromatography // Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2016. — Vol. 71. Issue 9. — P. 907-911
  • 5 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Agafonov A.N. etc. Planar gas chromatography column on glass plate for ultra–fast separation low bowling hydrocarbons with nanodispersed silica as the stationary phase // ICANN-2016. — 2016. — P. 116-117
  • 6 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I. , Goryunov M.G. etc. Gas chromatographic column for separation permanent gases with multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the stationary phase // ICANN-2016. — 2016. — P. 114-115
  • 7 Timchenko E.V., Timchenko P.E., Platonov I.A. etc. Using Raman scattering for water areas monitoring // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2016. — Vol. 9917.
  • 8 Pavlova L.V. , Platonov I.A., Nikitchenko N.V. etc. Экстракция биологически активных соединений из листьев эвкалипта прутовидного (EUCALYPTI VIMINALIS LABILL) докритической водой и водно-этанольными растворами // Supercritical Fluids Theory and Practice 2016. — Vol. 11. № 3. — P. 34-57
  • 9 Platonov, Igor Artemyevitch, Kolesnichenko, Irina Nikolaevna, Lobanova M.S. etc. Developing of analytical micro concentrating systems for biomarker quantitative determination in exhaled air // PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONFERENCE MODERN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. — 2016. — P. 37-41
  • 10 Zipaev D.V., Nikitchenko N.V., Kashaev A.G. etc. Изучение потребительских свойств тритикалевого пивного напитка // Technology and the study of merchandise of innovative foodstuffs 2016. — № 4(39). — P. 47-52
  • 11 Platonov, Igor Artemyevitch, Kolesnichenko, Irina Nikolaevna, Lobanova M.S. etc. Chromato-desorption microsystems for the aliphatic hydrocarbons quantitative determination in conducting ecological and analytical control of the air indoor // PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONFERENCE MODERN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. — 2016. — P. 42-48
  • 12 Milykh, Valery, Vavilov, Dmitry, Platonov, Ivan etc. User Behavior Prediction in the "Offline" Smart Home Solutions // 2016 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference (ZINC). — 2016. — P. 24-27
  • 13 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Pavelyev V.S. etc. Planar gas chromatography column on glass plate with nanodispersed silica as the stationary phase // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1724.
  • 14 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Pavelyev V.S. Planar gas chromatography column on aluminum plate with multi-walled carbon nanotubes as stationary phase // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1724.
  • 15 Tupikova E.N., Platonov I.A., Lykova T.N. Hydrothermal synthesis of nanosize phases based on non-ferrous and noble metals // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1724.
  • 1 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Lange P.K. Chromatographic-Desorption Method for Preparing Calibration Gas Mixtures of Volatile Organic Compounds // Measurement Techniques 2017. — Vol. 59. Issue 12. — P. 1330-1333
  • 2 Lebedev, Alexey, Karsunkina, Alesya, Novikova, E etc. Reception and Research ofNew "Metallo-rubber"- based Sorption Materials // PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONFERENCE MODERN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. — 2017. — P. 178-182
  • 3 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Igitkhanyan A.E. etc. Using Chromato-Desorption Microsystems For Determination Breath Acetone Concentration // PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONFERENCE MODERN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. — 2017. — P. 122-125
  • 4 Pavlova L.V., Platonov I.A., Nikitchenko N. V. etc. Extraction of Biologically Active Compounds from Eucalyptus (Eucalypti viminalis Labill) Leaves by Subcritical Water and Water-Ethanol Mixtures // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2017. — Vol. 11. Issue 7. — P. 1129-1143
  • 5 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Novikova E.A. etc. Preparation of Calibration Gas Mixtures by the Chromato-Desorption Method for Increasing the Accuracy of Quantitative Determination of Biogenic Pentane in Expired Air // Measurement Techniques 2017. — Vol. 60. Issue 8. — P. 848-852
  • 6 Kurkin V.A., Ryazanova T.K., Platonov I.A. etc. Determination of Arbutin in Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Leaves // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 2017. — Vol. 51. Issue 4. — P. 281-284
  • 7 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Lobanova, Marina Sergeevna etc. Analytical Concentrating Systems Based on Polymeric, Inorganic, and Nanostructured Sorbents // PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CONFERENCE MODERN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. — 2017. — P. 100-104
  • 8 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Mikheenkova A.E. Application of inorganic, modifiedand nanostructured sorbents for determination accuracy improvement of biomarkers quantitative content in the exhaled air // 13th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry”. — 2017. — P. 166-171
  • 9 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Igitkhanyan A.E etc. Using chromato-desorption microsystemsfor determination breath acetone concentration // 13th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry”. — 2017. — P. 122-125
  • 10 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Lobanova M.S. etc. Analytical concentrating systemsbased on polymeric, inorganicandnanostructured sorbents // 13th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry”. — 2017. — P. 100-104
  • 11 Lebedev A., Karsunkina A., Novikova E.A. etc. Reception and esearch of new "metallo - rubber" -based sorption materials // 13th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry”. — 2017. — P. 178-182
  • 1 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Agafonov A.N. etc. Study of the sorption properties of planar micropacked gas-chromatographic columns of polycapillary and pillar types // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 1989.
  • 2 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenk I.N., Karapetyan D.D. etc. Chromato-desorption method for producing gas mixtures of volatile organic compounds // Proceedings of the 14th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry”. — 2018. — P. 114-119
  • 3 Tupikova E.N., Platonov I.A., Khabarova D. S. Nano catalysts obtained from platinum and cobalt or nickel binary complexes // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 1989.
  • 4 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Igitkhanian A.E. etc. Chromato-desorption microsystems for determination of biomarkers in the exhaled breath // Proceedings of the 14th International Students Conference “Modern Analytical Chemistry”. — 2018. — P. 158-161
  • 5 Platonov I.A., Rodinkov O.V., Gorbacheva A.R. etc. Methods and devices for the preparation of standard gas mixtures // Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2018. — Vol. 73. Issue 2. — P. 109-127
  • 6 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Lange P.K. Using chromatography - Desorption method of manufacturing gas mixtures for analytical instruments calibration // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1015. Issue 3.
  • 7 Platonov I.A., Novikova E.A., Tupikova E.N. etc. Reception and research of sorption nanomaterials based on "metall-rubber" // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 1989.
  • 8 Pavlova L.V., Platonov I.A., Kurkin V.A. etc. Evaluation of the Extraction Efficiency of Biologically Active Compounds from Chamomile Flowers (Chamomilla recutita R.) Grown in the Samara Region by Extractants in the Subcritical State // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2018. — Vol. 12. Issue 8. — P. 1212-1224
  • 9 Pavlova L.V., Platonov I.A., Kurkin V.A. etc. Determination of glycyrrhizic acid in roots of licorice by HPLC method with subcritical dynamic extraction // Analitika i Kontrol 2018. — Vol. 22. Issue 3. — P. 229-235
  • 1 Bratchenko L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Conventional Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of ascitic fluid // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 2.
  • 2 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Novikova E.A. etc. Investigation of Sorption Microsystems as Reference Samples of Volatile Organic Compounds // Measurement Techniques 2019. — Vol. 62. Issue 7. — P. 646-650
  • 3 Bratchenko L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemev D.N. etc. Рамановская спектроскопия асцитической жидкости пациентов с онкопатологиями // V Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Vol. 1. — P. 249-254
  • 4 Tupikova E.N., Platonov I.A., Khabarova D. S. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Platinum–Chromium Oxidation Catalysts on Metal Supports // KINETICS AND CATALYSIS 2019. — Vol. 60. Issue 3. — P. 366-371
  • 5 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Platonovval I. Analysis of Parameters of Chromatographic Microcolumns Manufactured by Printing // 2019 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2019. — 2019. —
  • 1 Kolesnichenko I.N., Anikina M.A., Platonov I.A. Optimisation of the conditions for the saturation and preparation of chromato-desorption microsystems for the production of acetone gas mixtures // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 4. — P. 426-433
  • 2 Nikishin I.A., Platonov I.A., Nukhaev M.T. etc. New technology for monitoring gas breakthrough intervals in the development of oil rims using chromate desorption systems // GeoBaikal 2020. — 2020. —
  • 1 Khabarova D.S., Tupikova E.N., Platonov I.A. Research of Morphology and Phase Composition of Autoclave Thermolysis Products of Chloropentaammincobalt (III) Tetrachloroplatinate (II) // 6th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists “Catalyst Design: From Molecular to Industrial Level”. — 2021. — P. 288-289
  • 2 Shtun S., Senkov A., Abramenko O. etc. Technology for monitoring gas and water breakthrough intervals using chromate desorption systems in the development of fields in the Caspian Sea // Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2021, RPTC 2021. — 2021. —
  • 3 Lebedev A.N., Merkulova Lyudmila Petrovna, Platonov I.A. Microsystèmes de chromato-desorption sous conditions microfluidique du gaz // Международная молодёжная научная конференция «XVI Королёвские чтения», посвящённая 60-летию полёта в космос Ю. А. Гагарина. — 2021. — Vol. 2. — P. 530-531
  • 4 Tupikova E.N., Platonov I.A., Bondareva O.S. etc. Catalytic Activity of the Autoclave Thermolysis Products of [Co(NH3)5Cl][PtCl4] in the Complete Oxidation of Propane and Their Morphology and Phase Composition // KINETICS AND CATALYSIS 2021. — Vol. 62. Issue 6. — P. 838-844
  • 5 Lutoev P., Kuznetsov D., Nikishin I. etc. The use of chromate desorption systems to optimize the position of the wells relative to the contact boundaries during the development of oil rim fields // Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2021, RPTC 2021. — 2021. —
  • 6 Senkov A., Abramenko O., Nikishin I. etc. Results of pilot testing of technology for monitoring gas and water breakthrough intervals using chromate desorption systems in the development of fields in the Caspian Sea // Horizontal Wells 2021: Challenges and Opportunities, HW 2021. — 2021. —
  • 7 Pavlova L.V., Platonov I.A., Novikova E.A. The Formation of Dispersed Systems from Aqueous Extracts from Milk Thistle Fruits // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2021. — Vol. 15. Issue 7. — P. 1189-1195
  • 8 Anikina Mariya Andreevna, Porochkin A.V., Platonov I.A. Разработка и применение в анализе микрофлюидных термодесорберов // Международная молодёжная научная конференция «XVI Королёвские чтения», посвящённая 60-летию полёта в космос Ю.А. Гагарина. — 2021. — Vol. 2. — P. 537-538
  • 9 Platonov Igor A., Platonov Vladimir I., Ledyaev Mihail E. etc. The use of a microthermal desorber for the concentration of trace amounts of hydrocarbons in the air // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 6. — P. 805-811
  • 10 Platonov Igor A., Novikova Ekaterina A., Karsunkina Alesya S. etc. The determination of high-boiling organic compounds using block-porous sorption systems // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 4. — P. 478-485
  • 11 Platonov Igor A., Novikova Ekaterina A., Karsunkina Alesya S. Polydimethylsiloxane-based surface-layer block-porous sorption systems // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 5. — P. 623-629
  • 12 Lyutoev P., Kuznetcov D., Nikishin I. etc. Implementation of the technology of chromate desorption systems to optimize the position of the well relative to the contact boundaries in the development of oil rims // Horizontal Wells 2021: Challenges and Opportunities, HW 2021. — 2021. —
  • 13 Platonov I.A., Novikova E.A., Karsunkina Alesya Sergeevna Создание поверхностно-слойных сорбционных систем с варьируемой порозностью // Всероссийский симпозиум и школа-конференция молодых ученых "Физико-химические методы в междисциплинарных экологических исследованиях". — 2021. — P. 135-136
  • 1 Platonov I.A., Kolesnichenko I.N., Pavlova L.V. etc. A mobile diagnostics suite for the express quantitative determination of acetine in exhaled breath // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2022. — Vol. 22. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 365-376
  • 2 Mashchenko Z.E., Bakharev V.V., Malyshkin S.S. etc. HPLC analysis for determination of parameters of penicillin G biodegradation by the biocenosis of activated sludge // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2022. — Vol. 2390.
  • 3 Platonov I.A., Platonov V.I., Balashova Anastasiya Ivanovna etc. Использование микрофлюидных систем с возможностью дозирования газовых проб // Девятый Всероссийский симпозиум и школа-конференция молодых ученых "Кинетика и динамика сорбционных процессов", приуроченные к 150-летию со дня рождения М.С. Цвета. — 2022. — P. 48-49
  • 4 Anikina Mariya Andreevna, Platonov I.A. Изучение состава препарата на основе донорской плазмы крови // Catalysis Communications. — 2022. — P. 150-151
  • 5 Platonov I.A., Pavlova L.V., Shafigulin R.V. etc. The use of subcritical water as a mobile phase in HPLC analysis // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2022. — Vol. 22. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 104-115
  • 1 Vidergauz M.S., Lobachev A.L., Platonov I.A. etc. Transclassification versions of analytical molecular chromatography // Journal of Analytical Chemistry 1996. — Vol. 51. Issue 9. — P. 869-873