1Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Skidanov R.V. etc. Advancements and Applications of Diffractive Optical Elements in Contemporary Optics: A Comprehensive Overview // Advanced Materials Technologies 2025. — Vol. 10. Issue 4. № 4.
2Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.Exploring the functional characteristics of diffractive optical Element: A comprehensive review // Optics and laser technology 2025. — Vol. 183.
3Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.Transforming high-resolution imaging: A comprehensive review of advances in metasurfaces and metalenses // Materials Today Physics 2025. — Vol. 50.
1Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Efimov A.R. etc. A perspective on the artificial intelligence's transformative role in advancing diffractive optics // iScience 2024. — Vol. 27. Issue 7. № 7.
5Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Skidanov R.V. etc. Exploring Types of Photonic Neural Networks for Imaging and Computing—A Review // NANOMATERIALS 2024. — Vol. 14. Issue 8. № 8.
6Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.A review on flexible wearables – Recent developments in non-invasive continuous health monitoring // Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 2024. — Vol. 366.
7Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Ali Butt M.Semiconductor Fibers: An Introduction // Semiconducting Fibers: Preparation, Advances, and Applications 2024. — P. 1-13
8Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Oseledets I.V. etc. Revolutionary Integration of Artificial Intelligence with Meta-Optics-Focus on Metalenses for Imaging // Technologies 2024. — Vol. 12. Issue 9. № 9.
9Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Oseledets I.V. etc. Synergy between Artificial Intelligence and Hyperspectral Imagining—A Review // Technologies 2024. — Vol. 12. Issue 9. № 9.
10Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A.Grayscale Lithography and a Brief Introduction to Other Widely Used Lithographic Methods: A State-of-the-Art Review // MICROMACHINES 2024. — Vol. 15. Issue 11. № 11.
11Firsov N., Myasnikov E., Lobanov V. etc. HyperKAN: Kolmogorov–Arnold Networks Make Hyperspectral Image Classifiers Smarter // Sensors (Switzerland) 2024. — Vol. 24. Issue 23. № 23.
2Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.Recent Development in Metasurfaces: A Focus on Sensing Applications // NANOMATERIALS 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 1. № 1.
3Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Tapered waveguide mode converters for metal-insulator-metal waveguide plasmonic sensors // Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 2023. — Vol. 211.
4Khonina S.N., Voronkov G.S., Grakhova E.P. etc. Polymer Waveguide-Based Optical Sensors—Interest in Bio, Gas, Temperature, and Mechanical Sensing Applications // Coatings 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 3. № 3.
5Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.A Review of Photonic Sensors Based on Ring Resonator Structures: Three Widely Used Platforms and Implications of Sensing Applications // MICROMACHINES 2023. — Vol. 14. Issue 5. № 5.
6Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. etc. A Review on Photonic Sensing Technologies: Status and Outlook // Biosensors 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 5. № 5.
11Butt M.A.Photonic crystal instruments // Photonic Materials: Recent Advances and Emerging Applications 2023. — P. 1-20
12Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N.Optical Computing: Key Problems, Achievements, and Perspectives // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 239-278
13Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Silicon Photonic Waveguides Comparison and Utilization in Sensing Applications // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 1-32
14Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Metasurfaces and Several Well-Studied Applications // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 130-157
15Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N.Silicon-tapered waveguide for mode conversion in metal–insulator–metal waveguide-based plasmonic sensor for refractive index sensing // Applied Optics 2023. — Vol. 62. Issue 32. № 32. — P. 8678-8685
16Rehman A.U., Khan Y., Irfan M. etc. Design and Analysis of Even-Positioned Cavity-Based Optical Amplification Device in Dielectric Metasurface // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
17Voronkov G.S., Aleksakina Y.V., Ivanov V.V. etc. Enhancing the Performance of the Photonic Integrated Sensing System by Applying Frequency Interrogation // NANOMATERIALS 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 1. № 1.
18Rehman A.U., Khan Y., Irfan M. etc. Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Optical Switch Based on Guided-Mode Resonances in Photonic Crystals // MICROMACHINES 2023. — Vol. 14. Issue 6. № 6.
1Khan Z., Naseer F., Khan Y. etc. Study of Joint Symmetry in Gait Evolution for Quadrupedal Robots Using a Neural Network // Technologies 2022. — Vol. 10. Issue 3. № 3.
2Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.Advancement in Silicon Integrated Photonics Technologies for Sensing Applications in Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Region: A Review // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 5.
3Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.A compact design of a modified Bragg grating filter based on a metal-insulator-metal waveguide for filtering and temperature sensing applications // OPTIK 2022. — Vol. 251.
4Butt M.A.Plasmonic sensor realized on a metal-insulator-metal waveguide configuration for refractive index detection // PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND 2022. — Vol. 14. Issue 1. — P. 1-3
5Ahmed U., Khan Y., Ehsan M.K. etc. Investigation of Spectral Properties of DBR-Based Photonic Crystal Structure for Optical Filter Application // Crystals 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 3.
6Kotlyar V.V., Stafeev S.S., Kozlova E.S. etc. High-Order Orbital and Spin Hall Effects at the Tight Focus of Laser Beams // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 12. № 12.
7Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A. etc. Optical multiplexing techniques and their marriage for on-chip and optical fiber communication: a review // Opto-Electronic Advances 2022. — Vol. 5. Issue 8. № 8.
8Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N.Recent Advances in Wearable Optical Sensor Automation Powered by Battery versus Skin-like Battery-Free Devices for Personal Healthcare-A Review // NANOMATERIALS 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 3. № 3.
9Khan Y., Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Numerical Study of Fabrication-Related Effects of the Structural-Profile on the Performance of a Dielectric Photonic Crystal-Based Fluid Sensor // Materials 2022. — Vol. 15. Issue 9. № 9.
10Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Simple and Improved Plasmonic Sensor Configuration Established on MIM Waveguide for Enhanced Sensing Performance // Plasmonics 2022. —
11Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Revolution in Flexible Wearable Electronics for Temperature and Pressure Monitoring—A Review // Electronics (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 11. Issue 5.
12Ahmed O., Khan Y., Butt M.A. etc. Performance Comparison of Silicon-and Gallium-Nitride-Based MOSFETs for a Power-Efficient, DC-to-DC Flyback Converter // Electronics (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 11. Issue 8.
13Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Hybrid metasurface perfect absorbers for temperature and biosensing applications // Optical Materials 2022. — Vol. 123.
14Khan Y., Rehman A.U., Batool B.A. etc. Fabrication and Investigation of Spectral Properties of a Dielectric Slab Waveguide Photonic Crystal Based Fano-Filter // Crystals 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 2.
15Khan Y., Noor D., Ullah N. etc. Design and Analysis of Femtosecond Laser-Generated Metasurface for Optical Filter Application // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 11. № 11.
16Kovalev A.A., Kotlyar V.V., Kozlova E.S. etc. Dividing the Topological Charge of a Laguerre–Gaussian Beam by 2 Using an Off-Axis Gaussian Beam // MICROMACHINES 2022. — Vol. 13. Issue 10. № 10.
17Ahmed U., Khan Y., Ehsan M.K. etc. Investigation of Spectral Properties of DBR-Based Photonic Crystal Structure for Optical Filter Application // CRYSTALS 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 3. № 3.
18Ur Rehman A., Khan Y., Fomchenkov S. etc. Investigation of Optical Amplification Action in Dielectric Photonic Crystals Cavity Based Structure // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
19Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A.Optimizing the device model for enhanced sensitivity of the plasmonic Sensor // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2022. — Vol. 12295.
20Bilal M., Shahid S., Khan Y. etc. A Miniaturized FSS-Based Eight-Element MIMO Antenna Array for Off/On-Body WBAN Telemetry Applications // Electronics (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 11. Issue 4.
21Rehman A.U., Khan Y., Irfan M. etc. A Novel Design of Optical Switch Based on Guided Mode Resonances in Dielectric Photonic Crystal Structures // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 8. № 8.
22Khan Y., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Thermal Sensor Based on Polydimethylsiloxane Polymer Deposited on Low-Index-Contrast Dielectric Photonic Crystal Structure // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 10. № 10.
23Butt M.A., Voronkov G.S., Grakhova E.P. etc. Environmental Monitoring: A Comprehensive Review on Optical Waveguide and Fiber-Based Sensors // Biosensors 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 11. № 11.
24Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Advances in Waveguide Bragg Grating Structures, Platforms, and Applications: An Up-to-Date Appraisal // Biosensors 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 7. № 7.
25Butt M.A., Piramidowicz R. Standard slot waveguide and double hybrid plasmonic waveguide configurations for enhanced evanescent field absorption methane gas sensing // PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND 2022. — Vol. 14. Issue 1. — P. 10-12
26Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.On-chip symmetrically and asymmetrically transformed plasmonic Bragg grating formation loaded with a functional polymer for filtering and CO2 gas sensing applications // Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 2022. — Vol. 201.
1Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Butt M.A.Spatial-light-modulator-based multichannel data transmission by vortex beams of various orders // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 9.
2Butt M.A., Kaźmierczak A., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Metal-insulator-metal waveguide-based racetrack integrated circular cavity for refractive index sensing application // Electronics (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 10. Issue 12.
3Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.2D-Photonic crystal heterostructures for the realization of compact photonic devices // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2021. — Vol. 44.
4Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Recent advances in photonic crystal optical devices: A review // Optics and laser technology 2021. — Vol. 142.
6Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. etc. State-of-the-art optical devices for biomedical sensing applications—a review // Electronics (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 10. Issue 8.
7Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A.V. etc. Generation of complex transverse energy flow distributions with autofocusing optical vortex beams // MICROMACHINES 2021. — Vol. 12. Issue 3.
8Fatkhiev D.M., Butt M.A., Grakhova E.P. etc. Recent advances in generation and detection of orbital angular momentum optical beams—a review // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 15.
9Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A. etc. Plasmonic sensor based on metal-insulator-metal waveguide square ring cavity filled with functional material for the detection of CO 2 gas // Optics Express 2021. — Vol. 29. Issue 11. — P. 16584-16594
10Butt M.A., Kaźmierczak A., Tyszkiewicz C. etc. Mode sensitivity exploration of silica–titania waveguide for refractive index sensing applications // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 22.
11Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A.Compact design of a tunable high-pass filter based on one-dimensional Photonic Crystal waveguide // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2021. — Vol. 11793.
12Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A.Spectral characteristics of broad band-rejection filter based on Bragg grating, one-dimensional photonic crystal, and subwavelength grating waveguide // Physica Scripta 2021. — Vol. 96. Issue 5.
13Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Plasmonics: A Necessity in the Field of Sensing-A Review (Invited) // Fiber and Integrated Optics 2021. — Vol. 40. Issue 1. — P. 14-47
14Khonina S.N., Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L.Numerical investigation of metasurface narrowband perfect absorber and a plasmonic sensor for a near-infrared wavelength range // Journal of Optics 2021. — Vol. 23. Issue 6.
15Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L.Nanoblocks embedded in L-shaped nanocavity of a plasmonic sensor for best sensor performance // Optica Applicata 2021. — Vol. 51. Issue 1. — P. 109-120
16Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S.G., Dzyuba A.P. etc. Power phase apodization study on compensation defocusing and chromatic aberration in the imaging system // Electronics (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 10. Issue 11.
18Kazanskiy N.L., Kaźmierczak A., Butt M.A.Why slot and hybrid plasmonic waveguides are ideal candidates for sensing applications? // Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications 2021. — Vol. 15. Issue 5-6. — P. 195-206
19Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. etc. A numerical investigation of a plasmonic sensor based on a metal-insulator-metal waveguide for simultaneous detection of biological analytes and ambient temperature // NANOMATERIALS 2021. — Vol. 11. Issue 10.
20Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N.Carbon dioxide gas sensor based on polyhexamethylene biguanide polymer deposited on silicon nano-cylinders metasurface // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 2. — P. 1-14
21Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Khorin P.A. etc. Modern types of axicons: New functions and applications // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 19.
22Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.Polarization-Insensitive Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide Design for Evanescent Field Absorption Gas Sensor // PHOTONIC SENSORS 2021. — Vol. 11. Issue 3. — P. 279-290
23Butt M.A., Savelyev D.Bessel beams produced by axicon and spatial light modulator: A brief analysis // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
24Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N.Silicon photonic devices realized on refractive index engineered subwavelength grating waveguides-A review // Optics and laser technology 2021. — Vol. 138.
1Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S., Mai H.H. A plasmonic sensor configuration composed of nanodefects integrated metal-insulator-metal half-ring resonator air cavity // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
2Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.Subwavelength grating double slot waveguide racetrack ring resonator for refractive index sensing application // Sensors (Switzerland) 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 12. — P. 1-13
3Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Highly Sensitive Refractive Index Sensor Based on Plasmonic Bow Tie Configuration // PHOTONIC SENSORS 2020. — Vol. 10. Issue 3. — P. 223-232
5Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A.Evanescent Field Ratio Enhancement of a Modified Ridge Waveguide Structure for Methane Gas Sensing Application // IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 15. — P. 8469-8476
6Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A.One-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide based on the soi platform for transverse magnetic polarization-maintaining devices // PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND 2020. — Vol. 12. Issue 3. — P. 85-87
7Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Modal Characteristics of Refractive Index Engineered Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide // IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 17. — P. 9779-9786
8Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Device performance of standard strip, slot and hybrid plasmonic μ-ring resonator: a comparative study // Waves in Random and Complex Media 2020. —
9Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Nanodots decorated asymmetric metal-insulator-metal waveguide resonator structure based on Fano resonances for refractive index sensing application // Laser physics 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 7.
10Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Highly sensitive refractive index sensor based on hybrid plasmonic waveguide microring resonator // Waves in Random and Complex Media 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 2. — P. 292-299
11Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Ultra-short lossless plasmonic power splitter design based on metal-insulator-metal waveguide // Laser physics 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 1.
14Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Hybrid plasmonic waveguide race-track μ-ring resonator: Analysis of dielectric and hybrid mode for refractive index sensing applications // Laser physics 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 1.
15Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Highly integrated plasmonic sensor design for the simultaneous detection of multiple analytes // Current Applied Physics 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 11. — P. 1274-1280
16Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A.Enhancing the sensitivity of a standard plasmonic MIM square ring resonator by incorporating nanodots in the cavity // PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND 2020. — Vol. 12. Issue 1. — P. 1-3
17Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.An array of nano-dots loaded MIM square ring resonator with enhanced sensitivity at NIR wavelength range // OPTIK 2020. — Vol. 202.
18Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Sensitivity enhancement of silicon strip waveguide ring resonator by incorporating a thin metal film // IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 3. — P. 1355-1362
19Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L.Mode sensitivity analysis of vertically arranged double hybrid plasmonic waveguide // Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications 2020. — Vol. 14. Issue 9-10. — P. 385-388
20Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.A plasmonic colour filter and refractive index sensor applications based on metal-insulator-metal square μ-ring cavities // Laser physics 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 1.
21Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N.Nanodots decorated MIM semi-ring resonator cavity for biochemical sensing applications // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2020. — Vol. 42.
22Butt M.A.Numerical investigation of a small footprint plasmonic Bragg grating structure with a high extinction ratio // PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND 2020. — Vol. 12. Issue 3. — P. 82-84
23Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A.Plasmonic sensors based on Metal-insulator-metal waveguides for refractive index sensing applications: A brief review // Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 2020. — Vol. 117.
24Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L.Narrowband perfect metasurface absorber based on impedance matching // PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND 2020. — Vol. 12. Issue 3. — P. 88-90
25Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Achievements in the development of plasmonic waveguide sensors for measuring the refractive index // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 3. — P. 295-318
27Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A.A plasmonic colour filter based on metal-insulator-metal square micro-ring cavities for visible spectrum // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11516.
28Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L.Soi suspended membrane waveguide at 3.39 µm for gas sensing application // PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND 2020. — Vol. 12. Issue 2. — P. 67-69
1Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N.Label-free detection of ambient refractive index based on plasmonic Bragg gratings embedded resonator cavity sensor // Journal of Modern Optics 2019. — Vol. 66. Issue 19. — P. 1920-1925
2Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Enhancement of evanescent field ratio in a silicon strip waveguide by incorporating a thin metal film // Laser physics 2019. — Vol. 29. Issue 7.
3Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Plasmonic refractive index sensor based on metal–insulator-metal waveguides with high sensitivity // Journal of Modern Optics 2019. — Vol. 66. Issue 9. — P. 1038-1043
4Witkowski M., Bober M., Bilicki S. etc. Interactions of Ultra-cold Alkaline-earth-like and Alkali Atoms with Light // IFCS/EFTF 2019 - Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum, Proceedings. — 2019. —
6Bober M., Ablewski P., Bilicki S. etc. Strontium Optical Atomic Clocks in KL FAMO Blue Detuned Lattice for Strontium Atoms and Project of a Continuous Active Optical Clock with Cold Strontium Atoms // IFCS/EFTF 2019 - Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum, Proceedings. — 2019. —
7Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Numerical analysis of a miniaturized design of a Fabry–Perot resonator based on silicon strip and slot waveguides for bio-sensing applications // Journal of Modern Optics 2019. — Vol. 66. Issue 11. — P. 1172-1178
8Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S.Multiport optical power splitter design based on coupled-mode theory // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 2.
9Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Optical elements based on silicon photonics // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 6. — P. 1079-1083
10Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.A T-shaped 1 × 8 balanced optical power splitter based on 90 bend asymmetric vertical slot waveguides // Laser physics 2019. — Vol. 29. Issue 4.
12Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Kazanskiy N.L.A fair comparison of spectral properties of Slot and Hybrid plasmonic micro-ring resonators // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1410. Issue 1.
1Butt M.A., Strelkov Y.S.An approach to developing a Fabry-Perot filter by a single fabrication step for gas sensing applications // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 10774.
2Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Hybrid plasmonic waveguide-assisted Metal–Insulator–Metal ring resonator for refractive index sensing // Journal of Modern Optics 2018. — Vol. 65. Issue 9. — P. 1135-1140
3Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Modelling of Rib channel waveguides based on silicon-on-sapphire at 4.67 μm wavelength for evanescent field gas absorption sensor // OPTIK 2018. — Vol. 168. — P. 692-697
4Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L.Compact design of a polarization beam splitter based on silicon-on-insulator platform // Laser physics 2018. — Vol. 28. Issue 11.
5Butt M.A., Naresh Kumar Reddy A., Khonina S.N.A compact design of a balanced 1×4 optical power splitter based on silicon on insulator slot waveguides // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 2. — P. 244-247
7Butt M.A., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N.Light confinement in a 90° double high mesa slot bend waveguide // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
8Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S.Optimization of silicon waveguides for gas detection application at mid-IR wavelengths // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2018. — Vol. 10717.
9Kumar Reddy A.N., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N.Effect of defocusing and apodization on the resolution of incoherent optical system beyond the Rayleigh limit // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1124. Issue 5.
10Butt M., Khonina, SN, Kazanskiy, NLPlasmonic refractive index sensor based on M-I-M square ring resonator // 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING, ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (ICE CUBE). — 2018. —
2Fomchenkov S.A., Butt M.A.Fabrication of amplitude-phase type diffractive optical elements in aluminium films // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 917. Issue 6.
3Elyutin V.V., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N.Cold mirror based on high-low-high refractive index dielectric materials // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1900. — P. 5-9
6Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S., Khonina S.N.Modeling of a straight channel and Y-splitter waveguides by loading SiO2 planar waveguide with MgF2 // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. — 2017. — P. 2472-2477
7Elyutin V.V., Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A. etc. Modeling of nebula viewing broadband and narrowband filters based on TiO2-SiO2 multilayers // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10342.
8Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Khonina S.N.Modeling of a narrow band pass filter for Bathymetry light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 917. Issue 6.
9Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S., Khonina S.N.Conditions of a single-mode rib channel waveguide based on dielectric TIO2/SIO2 // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 4. — P. 494-498
10Butt M.A., Elyutin V. V., Khonina S.N.Modeling of a Cold mirror based on TiO2/MgF2 and TiO2/SiO2 at 45 degree angle of incidence // III международная конференция и молодёжная школа "Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии" (ИТНТ-2017). — 2017. — P. 26-28
11Butt M.A., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. etc. An evanescent field absorption gas sensor at mid-IR 3.39 μm wavelength // Journal of Modern Optics 2017. — Vol. 64. Issue 18. — P. 1892-1897
12Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A.Thermal effect on the optical and morphological properties of TiO2 thin films obtained by annealing a Ti metal layer // Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2017. — Vol. 70. Issue 2. — P. 169-172
13Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Infrared reflective coatings for building and automobile glass windows for heat protection // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10342.
1Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Optical planar waveguide sensor based on (Yb,Nb):RTP/RTP(001) system for the estimation of metal coated cells // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 16-23
2Fomchenkov S.A., Butt M.A., Podlipnov V.V. etc. E-beam lithography exposure conditions for the fabrication of RGB filter based on metal/dielectric subwavelength grating // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
3Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Ullah A. etc. Modelling of multilayer dielectric filters based on TiO2 / SiO2 and TiO2 /MgF2 for fluorescence microscopy imaging // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 5. — P. 674-678
4Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Modelling of the optical planar waveguide based on (Yb,Nb):RTP/RTP(001) system for cell counting // 2016 International Conference on Computing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, ICE Cube 2016 - Proceedings. — 2016. — P. 63-67
5Degtyarev S.A., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Modelling of TiO2 based slot waveguides with high optical confinement in sharp bends // 2016 International Conference on Computing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, ICE Cube 2016 - Proceedings. — 2016. — P. 10-13
6Verma P., Gopal R., Butt M.A. etc. Design and simulation of non-resonant 1-DOF drive mode and anchored 2-DOF sense mode gyroscope for implementation using UV-LIGA process // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
7Butt M.A., Verma P., Rasshchepkina N.A. etc. Fabrication of silicon slanted grating by using modified thermal deposition technique to enhance fiber-to-chip coupling // International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication, MicroCom 2016. — 2016. —
8Ullah A., Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A. etc. Indium phosphide all air-gap Fabry-Pérot filters for near-infrared spectroscopic applications // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
9Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Ullah A. etc. Biomedical bandpass filter for fluorescence microscopy imaging based on TiO2/SiO2 and TiO2/MgF2 dielectric multilayers // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
10Verma P., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Acceleration characterization of dual purpose gyro/accelerometer device using MS3110 differential capacitive read out IC // International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication, MicroCom 2016. — 2016. —
11Butt M.A., Pujol M.C., Solé R. etc. Fabrication of optical waveguides in RbTiOPO4 single crystals by using different techniques // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
1Butt M.A., Pujol M.C., Solé R. etc. Channel waveguides and Mach-Zehnder structures on RbTiOPO4 by Cs+ ion exchange // Optical Materials Express 2015. — Vol. 5. Issue 5. — P. 1183-1194
2Butt M.A., Solé R., Pujol M.C. etc. Fabrication of Y-Splitters and Mach-Zehnder Structures on (Yb,Nb):RbTiOPO4/RbTiOPO4 Epitaxial Layers by Reactive Ion Etching // Journal of Lightwave Technology 2015. — Vol. 33. Issue 9. — P. 1863-1871
3Ali Butt M., Nguyen H.-D., Ródenas A. etc. Low-repetition rate femtosecond laser writing of optical waveguides in KTP crystals: Analysis of anisotropic refractive index changes // Optics Express 2015. — Vol. 23. Issue 12. — P. 15343-15355
1Guo J., Raghothamachar B., Dudley M. etc. Effect of doping on crystalline quality of rubidium titanyl phosphate (RTP) crystals grown by the TSSG method // Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. — 2014. — Vol. 1698.
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