федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Lukachev, Sergey V.

  • Department of Thermal Engineering and Thermal Engines, head
  • 1 Matveev S.S., Gurakov N.I., Idrisov D.V. etc. Lean Blowout Limits in Combustion Chambers during Lean CH4‒H2‒Air Mixture Burning // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2024. — Vol. 51. Issue 10. № 10. — P. 403-409
  • 1 Zvyagintsev V.A., Lysenko Yu. D. , Lukachev S.V. etc. Algorithm of Distillation Plant Parameters Selection Based on "mass Flow Rate-Enthalpy" Diagram // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2019. — Vol. 264. Issue 1.
  • 2 Sigora G.A., Nichkova L.A., Khomenko T.Y. etc. Criteria for the Choice of the Optimal Desalination Systems of Sea Water for the Crimean Region // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2019. — Vol. 264. Issue 1.
  • 3 Volobuev A.N., Lukachev S.V., Kolomin Ilya Viktorovich etc. Взаимодействие квантов электромагнитного излучения с электронами металла в пространстве вектор потенциала при облучении его поверхности // Surface 2019. — № 7. — P. 99-108
  • 4 Volobuev A.N., Lukachev S.V., Tolstonogov A.P. etc. Interaction of Photons with Electrons of a Metal during the Irradiation of Its Surface in Vector-Potential Space // Journal of Surface Investigation 2019. — Vol. 13. Issue 4. — P. 658-666
  • 5 Lanskii A.M., Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G. etc. A Method of Calculating the Small-Sized Combustion Chambers // Russian Aeronautics 2019. — Vol. 62. Issue 3. — P. 469-475
  • 1 Orlov M.Yu., Lukachev S.V., Anisimov V.M. Investigation of the Effect of the Non-uniform Flow Distribution after Compressor of Gas Turbine Engine on Inlet Parameters of the Turbine // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 302. Issue 1.
  • 2 Orlov M.Yu., Lukachev S.V., Anisimov V.M. Numerical Investigation of the Impact of the Compressor Operation Mode on Working Process of the Combustion Chamber // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 302. Issue 1.
  • 1 Korchak V.Yu., Kuznecov V.V., Borisenkov I.L. etc. О некоторых вопросах научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ в авиационной отрасли // Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 2017. — Vol. 16. № 2. — P. 60-64
  • 2 Matveev S.S., Chechet I.V., Semenikhin A. S. etc. Experimental Study of the Combustion of Kerosene and Binary Surrogate in the Model Combustion Chamber // JOURNAL OF COMBUSTION 2017. — Vol. 2017.
  • 1 Biryuk V.V., Gorshkalev A.A., Lukachev S.V. etc. Multinozzle combustion chamber of aviation gas turbine engines as a basis of environmental safety. Review // International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment 2016. — Vol. 17. Issue 2-4. — P. 279-294
  • 2 Lanskiy A.M., Lukachev S.V., Kolomzarov O.V. Тенденции изменения геометрических размеров и интегральных параметров камер сгорания малоразмерных газотурбинных двигателей // Vestnik Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta 2016. — Vol. 23. № 3. — P. 47-57
  • 1 LANSKIY A.M., Sergey V. Lukachev, Sergey G. Matveev etc. Study of Work-Flow Elements and Integral Characteristics of Combustion Chambers in Small-Size Gas-Turbine Engines (GTE) // Advances in Environmental Biology 2014. — № 8 (13). — P. 406-413
  • 1 Kovylov Yu.L., Krasheninnikov S. V. , Lukachev S.V. etc. The generalized characteristic of the combustion chamber for a gas-turbine engine // Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika) 1999. — Vol. 46. Issue 1. — P. 35-41
  • 1 Kovylov Yu.L., Krasheninnikov S. V. , Lukachev S.V. etc. The generalized characteristic of the combustion chamber for a gas-turbine engine // Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport 1998. — Vol. 11. Issue 4. — P. 32-38
  • 1 Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G., Orlov M.Yu. Carcinogenic hydrocarbons burnup for diffusion mixing hydrocarbon fuel incomplete combustion products with air // Teploenergetika 1993. — Issue 4. — P. 73-75
  • 1 Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G. How the quality of fuel atomization influences discharge of benz(a)pirene with wasted gases from aircraft gas-turbine engines // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika 1992. — Issue 3. — P. 74-76
  • 2 Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G., Marchukov E.Yu. On the possibility to reduce benz(a)pyrene emission with aircraft gas turbine engine exhaust gases by water injection into the combustion chamber // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika 1992. — Issue 4. — P. 100-102
  • 1 Lukachev S.V., Rozno V.G. The release of benzine(A)pyrene with exhaust bases of natural-gas GTE // Izvestiya VUZ: Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika 1991. — Issue 1. — P. 98-100
  • 2 Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G., Uryvskii A.F. etc. The effect of initial nonuniformity in a fuel-air mixture on the formation of benz(A)pyrene in a flowthrough combustion chamber // Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 1991. — Vol. 27. Issue 2. — P. 200-202
  • 3 Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G., Uryvskii A.F. Possibility of using a turbulent mixing model to describe polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon burning // Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 1991. — Vol. 27. Issue 5. — P. 572-575
  • 4 Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G., Uryvskij A.F. On a possibility of application of the turbulent mixing model for description of the burning down process of semicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons // Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva 1991. — Vol. 27. Issue 5. — P. 64-67
  • 1 Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G. Benz(A)pyrene formation in a turbulent diffusion flame // Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 1990. — Vol. 26. Issue 3. — P. 280-282
  • 2 Lukachev S.V., Matveev S.G. Effect of fuel/air mixture preparation on the formation of carcinogenic hydrocarbons during the combustion of gaseous fuels // Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika) 1990. — Vol. 37. Issue 6. — P. 285-287
  • 1 Knysh Yu. A. , Gorbatko A.A., Ivliev A.V. etc. Sampling of exhaust gases for determination of their carcinogenicity // Sov Aeronaut 1989. — Vol. 32. Issue 4. — P. 48-51
  • 1 Knysh Yu. A. , Gorbatko A.A., Ivliev A.V. etc. Benz(A)pyrene formation in aircraft jet combustion chambers // Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 1988. — Vol. 24. Issue 6. — P. 668-671
  • 2 Knysh Yu. A., Gorbatko A.A., Ivliev A.V. etc. Benz(a)pyrene formation in aricraft jet combustion chambers // Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 1988. — Vol. 24. Issue 6. — P. 668-671
  • 1 Lukachev S.V. Unstable gas flow modes in a Ranque vortex tube // Journal of Engineering Physics 1981. — Vol. 41. Issue 5. — P. 1171-1175
  • 1 Belousov A.N., Knysh Yu. A. , Lukachev S.V. ACOUSTIC PROPERTIES OF PNEUMATIC SWIRL INJECTORS. // Sov Aeronaut 1977. — Vol. 20. Issue 1. — P. 11-14
  • 2 Knysh Yu. A. , Lukachev S.V. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF A VORTEX SOUND GENERATOR. // Sov Phys Acoust 1977. — Vol. 23. Issue 5. — P. 443-447