федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

International сonference on science and technology problems and prospect of the propulsion engineering development

Event type: Сonference
Location: Samara, Moscow Highway 34 Samara State Aerospace University named after S.P. Korolyov
Date: 22.06.2016 - 24.06.2016
Organizer: SSAU
Email: fdla@ssau.ru

Detailed information

June 24 - 26, 2016
Directional detection of the most actual lines and total experience generalization in the areas of scientific investigation, design, construction strength, reliability, production, backfitting and engineering personnel training for aerospace and other branches of industry
• The reliability problems of engines, power supply installations and their systems • Development prospects and use of engines for aviation, space - rocket systems, motor transport mechanical engineering and stationary power supply installations • Operation processes and engines theory • Construction strength and reliability of engines and their systems • Wear and tear, friction and reliability of engines friction assembly • Acoustic, damping and vibration problems in engines • Burning processes and heat exchange in power supply installations • Propulsion engineering, power engineering and space vehicle ecology problems • Production and advanced technologies in propulsion engineering • Computer-aided design of engines • Regulation, feed and control systems of engines • Monitoring and control systems of engines • Aviation materials • Personnel training
• Shorin V.P. - member of Russian Academy of Science, Chairman of Samara Scientific Centre Russian Academy of Science - Chairman, (Samara) • Alifanov O.M. - corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) • Anfimov N.A. - member of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) • Barvinok V.A. - corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science (Samara) • Chernishev S.L. - DSc, Director of CAGI • Fedosov Je.A. - member of Russian Academy of Science • Fomin V.M. - member of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) • Fridlyanov V.N. - DSc, Vice Minister of Education and Science Ministry of Russian Federation • Ganiev R.F. - member of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) • Kapustin V.V. - Minister of Industry, Power Engineering and Technology of Samara Region • Katorgin B.I. - member of Russian Academy of Science • Kirilin A.N. - DSc, General Director of the State Scientific Company Russian Cosmic Centre "CSKB -PROGRESS" (Samara) • Kluyev V.V. - member of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) • Kolesnikov K.S. - member of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) • Lastochkin Yu.V. - General Director of the JSC “NPO “Saturn” (Ryubinsk) • Lopota V.A. - corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science, President of RKK “Energy” • Novojilov G.V. - member of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) • Ovchinnikov D.Ye. - Minister of Education and Science of Samara Region • Panin V.E. - member of Russian Academy of Science (Tomsk) • Pashin V.M. - member of Russian Academy of Science (Saunt-Petersburg) • Popov G.A. - member of Russian Academy of Science • Sebryakov G.G. - corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science (Moskow) • Shitarev I.L. - DSc, professor, Director of Scientific Investigatory Institute (SSAU) • Skibin V.A. - DSc, Professor, Head of Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) (Moscow) • Soifer V.A. - DSc, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science, professor, Rector of Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU) • Teryaev Je.D. - corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science • Tchuiko V.M. - DSc, professor, President of Aircraft Engine Construction Association (Moscow) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE • Fedorchenko D.G. - General Constructor of the Samara Science and Technical Complex (SSTC) named after N.D. Kuznetsov, Vice-chairman of the organizing committee (Samara) • Shakhmatov Je.V. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Samara State Aerospace University, Vice-chairman of the organizing committee (Samara) • Badamshin R.A. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Ufa State Aviation (Technical University) (Ufa) • Ganin A.A. - PhD, General Constructor of Volga branch of JSC Research-and- Production Association «Energomash» (Samara) • Gortyshov Ju.F. - DSc, professor, Rector of Kazan Technical University named after Tupolev A.N. (Kazan) • Kocherov E.P. - chief designer of JSC Samara Design Bureau Machine-Building (DBMB), (Samara) • Kuzmenko M.L. - DSc, professor, General Constructor and Technical Director of JSC “NPO “Saturn” • Lupandin V. - Ph. D., P.Eng., MBA. ORENDA Aerospase Corporation (Canada) • Jermakov A.I. - DSc, professor, Faculty director of SSAU • Noznitsky Ju.A. - DSc, professor, Deputy Head of Central Institute of Aviation Motorbuilding (CIAM) (Moscow) • Prakash C. Patnaik - Ph.D., FASM, National Research Council (Canada) • Ryabov V.P. - General Director RKK “Energy” • Shvetsov V.A. - DSc, professor, Deputy Rector of Moscow Institute of Aviation (Technical University) • Staudacher S. - Prof., Dr.-Ing., Univ. Stuttgart (Germany) • Walther R. - Prof., Dr.-Ing., MTU Aero Engines (Germany)
• The official languages of the Conference are Russian and English. • Participation presupposes: presentation of reports, advertising presentations, poster presentations, demonstration of commercial products, participation as listener. • Collections of abstracts and articles will be published on the basis of the conference materials. Advertising materials can also be placed in these collections.
• Language of publications - Russian or English • Number of pages: abstract - up to 2; article - up to 10 • Text: - typewritten (hard copy) and electronic version (Compact Disk or E-mail) • Text format: Microsoft Word • Page format: A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) • Margins: 20 mm - top, bottom, right, left • Script: - 12 point; type - Times New Roman, 10 - text under pictures, abstract • Figures, tables, graphs are allowed in the text (and extra in files ( .bmp, *.jpg, *.tif ) • Title is printed in capital letters. Below after a space follow the authors, last name and initials printed in small letters. Then after a space comes the complete name of the organisation and city after another space follows the text printed with one space between the lines. Below after a space follows abstract (not more then 500 symbols), must be text written with one space in two columns. • Information about authors: Academic degree, title, Organization, Address, E-mail, Scientific interests areaPlease send Your papers to the address:443086 Samara, Moskovskoye Shosse, 34, Samara State Aerospace University, Faculty No.2.E-mail: fdla@ssau.ru, parovai@mail.ru Contact telephones: (846) 267-43-22, 334-79-22 (Fax)