федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

"Legal Regulation of Public Relations on the Earth and in Outer Space"

Event type: Conference
Location: Samara, 1, Academician Pavlov Street,
Date: 09.11.2018 - 10.11.2018
Organizer: Samara University

Detailed information

The Faculty of Law of Samara National Research University holds the 1st International Scientific and Practical Youth Conference "Legal Regulation of Public Relations on the Earth and in Outer Space". The conference to be held on November 9-10, 2018 at Samara University.This event is dedicated to: — The International Youth Day; — The International Day of Science; — The anniversary since the launch of the first Soviet Lunar Rover; — The Day of Law Enforcement Officers; — The 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The conference will feature round table discussions, workshops of the leading teachers of Samara University, the work of sections, interactive events (excursions, intellectual games, scientific quests), as well as Moot Court (the imitation of the UN Court Trial in English and Russian) Bachelors, graduates, postgraduate students, young scientists are invited to participate.Topics for round table discussions: 1) "Legal regulation of the digital economy"; 2) " The development of space law – a necessity dictated by time"; 3) "Legal regulation of social and technological entrepreneurship". Topics for discussion within the sections: 1) " Topical issues of State, Municipal and Administrative Law "; 2) " Evolution of Civil-Law Institutions and prospects for their development"; 3) " Topical problems of civil procedure"; 4) " Criminal Law: problems and solutions"; 5) "Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Rights of citizens: problems and prospects" (in memory of S.A. Shafer); 6) " Current issues of theory and history of State and Law "; 7) " Prospects for the development of legal education"; 8) "International Law" (Section is conducted in a foreign language).The number and the topics of the sections can be changed by the decision of the Organizing Committee taking into account the submitted applications.Participation in the work of the conference will be based on a competitive selection of theses. The main selection criteria are the originality of the submitted materials, their relevance to the conference topics, autonomy. All works will be checked by the "Antiplagiat" system (the amount of borrowing should be no more than 30%). The Organizing Committee of the conference reserves the right not to indicate the reasons for rejection.To participate in the conference please forward an Application and Abstracts to the e-mail of Organizing Committee: intellect_ssau@mail.ru by 11:59 p.m. by October 10, 2018.By October 25, the lists of participants of the conference that have passed the competitive selection and whose papers are recommended for publication in the collection to be approved. According to the results of the selection, official invitations are sent.In case the applications and theses are submitted after the deadline or in violation of established requirements, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject the application. Only full-time participation.A participant of the Conference has the right to submit the theses and make report on the topic of only one section. All participants of the conference are invited to participate in interactive events, roundtables and workshops. The authors of the most interesting and relevant reports are invited to present them during the roundtable sessions.Moot court is a simulation of the court session in which the participants present a position on the dispute over the law, playing against the representatives of the opposite side.Moot court, held within the conference, will touch upon the issues of International Space Law. The competition is held in two stages: written - preparation of memorials and oral - speech in front of the judges. A set of rules, as well as a case can be found on the website of the Law Faculty of Samara University. The registration will be carried out in Google-form.To participate in the conference it is necessary to pay an organizational fee of 300 rubles within ten days from the moment of receiving the official invitation.Payment details will be sent to the e-mail of participants who have passed the competitive selection. The costs for travel, food and accommodation are paid for at the expense of the sending party. The Organizing Committee can assist in booking hotel rooms by additional arrangement. The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.The preliminary program of the conference: November 9, 2018 (Friday): 10:00 Registration of conference participants; 11:00 Plenary session (Representatives of the Administration and Dean's Office, Guests of Honor); 13:00 Sectional Sessions; 15:00 Coffee break; 15:30 Sectional Sessions; 17:30 Intellectual game "What? Where? When?", dedicated to the launch day of "Lunokhod-1" // Scientific quest "Per Aspera ad Astra"; 19:00 Pedestrian excursion for nonresident participants "Lights of Evening Samara". November 10, 2018 (Saturday): 10:00 Excursion to the museum "Cosmic Samara" // Law Olympiad; 11:00 Roundtable sessions // Moot court; 13:00 Lunch break; 13:30 Roundtable sessions; 15:00 Workshops; 17:00 Conference Outcome. Solemn closing ceremony of the conference.Contact Information: Gudkov Nikolay Valerevich, Chairman of the Organizing Committee: e-mail: alisokolova@bk.ru. Konygin Ruslan Anatolevich, Chairman of Students’ Scientific Society of Law Faculty: e-mail: chertilin_official@mail.ru. The conference is held at: building № 24, Faculty of Law, 1, Academician Pavlov Street, 443011 Russia, Samara.