A mobile group of the Botanic Garden Specialists from Samara National Research University held the first ground observation of rare plants relocated in their natural habitat nearby village Chubovka (Kinelsky District, Samara Oblast). The specialists made sure that these two species considered to be disappeared from the territory of Samara Oblast bloom and feel comfortable.
“Solving the task of biological diversity preservation the Samara University Botanic Garden has been participating in the work on reintroduction of rare plants in their natural coenosis for more than 10 years”, - the head of Department of Ecology and Life Safety Lyudmila Kavelenova tells.
The Botanic Garden having preserved in its collections rare or extinct plants places them in their natural habitats – steppes, meadows and woods. In case of success returned to their usual habitats the plants become forefathers of new populations.
Thus in ten years the Botanic Garden specialists returned 12 species two of which until recently were mentioned in the Red Book of Samara Oblast as extinct from the territory of the region. This verdict cannot be considered any more actual for Paeonia Tenuifolia and Euonymus Europaeus due to the efforts of the Botanic Garden specialists.
The Botanic Garden specialists follow the development of the plants transferred to nature, leave to conduct research in the open air several times a vegetation period. The first leave of the mobile group took place on 25 May this year.
“For many plants the conditions of wintering turned out unexpectedly problematic, and the long chilly spring shifted the usual terms of development and blossoming, that is why we could only guess in what condition we would find our “migrants”, - Deputy-director of the Botanic Garden Alexander Pomogaibin made clear.
The plants of Juniperus Sabina, Clematis Recta, Dictamnus Albus, Iris Humilis and Iris Sibirica passed the winter successfully. The majority of Euonymus Europaeus bushes turned out to be covered with many greenish buds some of which were already open. For the first time the plants of Iris Aphylla (very rare in Samara Oblast) have bloomed after a long adaptation to the new place.
“The spectacle of Paeonia Tenuifolia mass blossoming became a true feast. This legendary ‘Scarlet Flower’ of our steppes made us glad not only with the bright colours of its petals, but with ovaries of fruits with the emerging seeds. It means the peonies are going to have descendants that will add colours to every spring”, - Director of the Botanic Garden Svetlana Rozno is sure.