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Komsomolskaya Pravda: “They Built a Rocket for Gagarin Here!” A Brazilian Student Explains Why She Decided to Start Conquering Space from Samara

Komsomolskaya Pravda: “They Built a Rocket for Gagarin Here!” A Brazilian Student Explains Why She Decided to Start Conquering Space from Samara

Самарский университет

A student from Brazil reveals the secret of why she came to Samara for “space education”

09.08.2022 2023-03-15
A student from Brazil, Ohana Berger, has just completed her bachelor’s degree in Guided Missile Systems and Astronautics at Samara University . She became one of the first Brazilian women to receive a “space” education in Russia.
She will continue to study for a master’s degree; the girl told to KP Samara how she decided to move from Brazil to Russia, why she chose “space” education and how Samara beaches differ from Brazilian.

“Ohana, how did you become interested in space-related professions?”
“I have loved space since childhood! I guess everyone has had a passion for space as a child, in one way or another, but my love has persisted. When I was a kid, I was at a camp, and we went on a field trip to the mountains with tents. I remember it was very dark, and we saw an awful lot of stars in the sky. We were told about the stars then, and I was very impressed. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to do something related to space!”
“Where do you see more stars — here or in Brazil?”
“You hardly ever see them in the cities, either here or in Brazil! You still have to go out of town.”
“What is your field of study?”
“The program is called “Guided Missile Systems and Astronautics” and is aimed at studying nanosatellites. This year I finished my bachelor’s degree and have already started my master’s program.”
“What do you plan to do after you graduate?”
“I want to be a lecturer, do research.”
“How long have you lived in Samara?”
“I’ve been living here for five years, I arrived in 2017. I came to study in Samara. Before that, I entered a university in Brazil and studied for two years. We had many Russian lecturers, even the head of the department  was Russian. And we believe that in such subjects as physics and mathematics, Russian specialists are among the best. So, from the very beginning of my student life, I admired Russian science! In my second year in Brazil, I had a course on the development of space technology, where we were told about all Russian achievements. This sparked my interest in studying in Russia. I started to inquire if it was possible. As it turned out, there was a competition for budgetary places for foreigners. I applied and got a place. There were two cities to choose from — Samara or Moscow. I started collecting information about the cities. When I found out that in Samara they built the rocket on which Yuri Gagarin flew into space, and that Samara University launched its satellite, the question of where to go was solved!”
“You weren’t attracted to Moscow’s status as the capital?”
“There’s a lot of talk about it, but my goal was to study. And I really like it in Samara! My city in Brazil is a lot like Samara. By the way, my hometown is called Brazil — just like the country! I’m used to this kind of lifestyle, and I think in a big city like Moscow it would be harder for me.”
“By the way, many people compare our beaches to Brazilian beaches!”
“There are no beaches at all in my hometown! And when I saw the Volga, I was surprised and delighted!”
“Russia is very far from Brazil, how difficult was the decision to move?”
“For someone who loves space and aerospace engineering, studying in Russia is a dream come true! Yes, I miss home, but I realize that I have opportunities here that I won’t get anywhere else. By the way, one of my subjects here was taught by a teacher who is the author of the textbook we studied with in Brazil. I was delighted when I learned about it! Moments like these help you get through all the hardships of moving.”
“Was it difficult to learn Russian?”
“Extremely! When foreigners come here, they are trained at the preparatory department, where they learn Russian with an emphasis on their future specialty. But, of course, you have to keep learning the language even after these courses — constantly speak, watch movies in Russian.”
“What are your favorite movies?”
“Operation Y! There’s also a great movie called How I Became Russian, very similar to what happens to us when we arrive!”
“By the way, we love Brazilian TV series.”
“Yes, I was struck when I found out about it! I even made a video and showed it to my friends — it’s so awesome and flattering! I watched some of the series as a child and was shocked when I saw them again on TV in Russia!”
“Do you think Russians and Brazilians are somehow similar, or are we completely different?”
“There are many similarities — we love the sun and the beaches, we often meet up with friends, we go to the countryside to barbecue! By the way, I notice that both Russians and Brazilians sometimes face stereotypes. The news may portray our countries in an unfavorable light, so both Russians and Brazilians like to raise awareness about their native land, the culture, the real thing about our country and yours. I can see how people in Samara like to talk about themselves and their city. And I also like to talk about Brazil — that our country is not a big forest with monkeys walking in the streets, that Brazil is not just favelas. I feel that we both like to show our real lives.”
“There is also a belief that people in Brazil love football!”
“Yes, that stereotype is correct, we love football!”
“Were you at a football match in Russia?”
“In 2014 I was at the World Cup in Brazil, and in 2018 in Russia! And here I felt the atmosphere of the championship even more deeply! Many guests came, I accompanied Brazilian journalists, I was at the games! Now I look at the pictures and feel the same excitement!”
“Where do you go in Samara, what places do you like?”
“I love being on the beach — you don’t have waves, here one can swim peacefully! I like to buy coffee and just walk the streets. Of course, I love Samara University, where I spend a lot of time!”
“What kind of dishes have you tried here? Which did you like?”
“Borsch! And other soups that are popular here, I like them. They are not as popular in Brazil because it is always hot! We drink a lot of coffee, but here they mostly drink tea, and when I drink tea here, I feel like a rich girl!”
“How did your relatives and friends feel about you going to Russia?”
“They support me in everything, celebrate even small victories. For example, when I tell my mom that the teacher praised me, in 10 minutes everyone is already texting me and congratulating me! Of course, when I was leaving, they asked me if I knew it was cold and everyone was very serious in Russia! But everyone knew that this was my dream which would open up great opportunities!”
Source: samara.kp.ru