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New Season of the Youth and Student Tourism Programs are under preparation in the Samara Region

New Season of the Youth and Student Tourism Programs are under preparation in the Samara Region

Самарский университет

Samara University joined implementation of the federal program of youth and student tourism in 2021

22.05.2023 2023-06-19
During the last summer holidays, the University received students from Moscow, Voronezh, and Chelyabinsk Region, organizing cultural events for them. The guests visited all iconic locations of the city — the embankment, the Botanical Garden, the helipad, Glory Square, Leningradskaya Str., museums and creative spaces, as well as participated in festivals and other events.
By the way, last year students of Samara University were also able to travel in framework of the projects “Share Russia,” “More Than Travel,” “Student Tourism.” According to the University, in the coming season, students from various regions of the country will come to the capital of the region under the student tourism program. They will be accommodated in the student hostel of Samara University in Lesnaya Str., not far from the Volga River embankment. Preferential rates for accommodation are provided for the participants of the program.
According to the organizers, now students of Russian universities of all forms of education, young scientists, postgraduates and interns engaged in research activities, as well as schoolchildren, who are winners of the All-Russian Contest “Big Change,” as well as employed youth under 35 years of age, activists of the ANO Platform “Russia is a country of opportunities” can take part in the program.
Elena Besperstova, Head of the Department of Cultural and Mass Work of Samara University:
The third season of the youth and student tourism program that is part of the ecosystem of the project “More Than Travel” has started. Due to participation in it, young people travel around our country’s regions and stay at student campuses and hostels with affordable prices. There are three sections in the program: cultural and educational, popular science, as well as career guidance tourism that allows students to visit the city’s industrial enterprises and get internship there in their specialization. Samara University plans to participate in each of the sections. We develop tourist programs and do everything possible to ensure that our guests learn more about Samara and get good impressions in the city on the Volga. 
Vladimir Bogatyrev, Rector of Samara University:
Participation in the youth and student tourism program is in itself a landmark event for the University. This project opens up unique opportunities for students not only to travel to various parts of our country, where they might never have been going to, but also to learn new things about the culture, traditions, history of other regions of Russia, visit the largest enterprises, scientific, educational and research centres, expand their contacts and find like-minded people. Moreover, this is one of mechanisms for attracting young people from other regions to study at Samara University, in its Master Degree Programs or at the postgraduate school, for working in youth research laboratories, developing student mobility in general.