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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
perspectum.info: Du Chunzhui “I obtained all my knowledge about spaceflight in Russia”

perspectum.info: Du Chunzhui “I obtained all my knowledge about spaceflight in Russia”

Самарский университет

Scientist from China — about the Moon, Samara and plans for the future

25.07.2023 2023-08-11
In Samara, Du Chunzhui has developed the program for efficient control of satellites in the course of exploration of the Moon. The development will be useful in further lunar exploration, for ensuring successful operation of the future Lunar Space Station and establishing satellite communication, navigation and monitoring systems. In Russia, Du Chunzhui completed his postgraduate studies and successfully defended his thesis for the Candidate of Technical Sciences degree this year before returning to China.

Please explain the essence of the program you have developed?

The algorithmic process I have proposed for controlling satellites in lunar exploration is innovative and more efficient than any other scheme currently developed by other researchers. I’m considering spacecraft with low thrust engines. The control is defined according to the Pontryagin maximum principle. For the fast solution of the two-point boundary value problem for optimal control, I propose an algorithm which differs from traditional approaches. The main differences are in the method of finding initial approximations and the use of mathematical tools such as the collocation method.

In China, did you also study space and everything related to it?

No, I obtained all my knowledge about spaceflight in Russia, in Samara University.

Why did you decide to go to Samara to study?

I received my Master’s Degree from Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MSTU), Faculty of Special Machine Building. My field of study was ballistics and fluid dynamics. Although Bauman University has a high level of academic achievement, I realized that this field did not match my interests. Therefore, I applied to other Russian universities, including the Moscow Aviation Institute and Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, to continue my education for the Candidate degree. Through acquaintances I contacted Prof. Starinova of Samara University. I was interested in her work on orbital control of spacecraft using low thrust engines in deep space. After discussion with my supervisor, I chose my thesis topic t ”The control problem studying of orbital flight of a low thrust spacecraft in cislunar space”.

What do you like most about Samara?

In fact, big cities have unique advantages, but small towns have their own charms too. I really love Samara – it is calm and harmonious, with beautiful natural landscapes. You can walk along the Volga River and enjoy the comfortable atmosphere and relaxed lifestyle. This environment is ideal for settling down and focusing on research and development work. The people of Samara are friendly and hospitable.

How does the standard of living in Samara compare to China’s?

Samara has a low population density and a slow pace of life. Compared to life in China, each place has its own advantages. Overall, I’m very happy with the standard of living here.

How do you assess the scientific potential of Samara University?

I am sure it is a very promising educational university, especially in the aerospace industry. For example, students of our faculty design rocket satellite launch themselves and are actively involved in the practical aspects of engineer training. I have personally had the opportunity to conduct research at the University. Because of this experience, I was able to return to my native country and continue my research work at the U niversity. And the knowledge of the Russian language acquired in Samara plays an important role in the development of Russian-Chinese cooperation and allows me to actively participate in this process.

Do you think your program can help with lunar exploration?

I am confident that it is possible, and low thrust engines have a wide range of applications in deep space exploration.

What are the advantages of your program over other similar developments?

Currently, the existing trajectory calculation algorithms have repeatability problems, and obtaining initial assumptions is difficult when analyzing a three-body system including the Earth, the Moon, and the spacecraft. In addition, some optimization algorithms do not duly consider the dynamic properties of such a system, resulting in long flight times and high fuel consumption. By applying various algorithms, I proposed a creative computational idea for continuous controlled orbital stitching using low thrust engines. This has led to the development of an efficient software control algorithm that successfully computes control for spacecraft with low thrust engines to meet the requirements of research missions.

What is the difficulty of controlling satellites in lunar exploration?

Controlling satellites on the Moon is difficult due to signal delay, energy constraints, communication problems, and other factors. The complex environment in the vicinity of the Moon requires consideration of multiple perturbations. The task of controlling spacecraft with low thrust engines is one of the major computational challenges in mission accomplishment.

What prospects do you see for further development of your program?

The problem of outer space between the Earth and the Moon is currently a high priority in international research, and many countries have plans for lunar exploration. Therefore, the prospects for further development of my research are vast.

How do you assess cooperation with Russian scientists and specialists?

Russia makes a significant contribution in various fields of science and technology. Joint efforts and knowledge sharing with Russian scientists and specialists can facilitate new discoveries, innovations and development of scientific domains. I am sure that cooperation with Russian scientists and specialists will allow me to acquire new knowledge and expand my competencies. In general, international scientific cooperation offers the following benefits: exchange of knowledge, experience and resources, new ideas and prospects, expansion of the network of contacts, and improvement of scientific reputation.

What challenges did you face in adapting to a new country and culture?

First, it is a lingual and cultural barrier – Russian is a very difficult language to learn. Complex grammar, different cases, phonetics and pronunciation, rich vocabulary, and reading and understanding written texts – these are the challenges I have faced. Second, the differences in manners, behavior, and living habits from what I am used to are quite pronounced.

What do you like most about Russian culture?

I really enjoy watching theatrical performances in Russia. First, they give me an insight into the leisure habits of regular Russian people. Second, it is an opportunity to immerse myself in Russian culture. And third, it is good practice for learning Russian.

What are your plans for the future?

I am currently in the process of contacting the relevant universities and formalizing the necessary procedures. I am interested in the opportunity to do research at the university, and I hope to contribute to the space industry. China and Russia actively cooperate in scientific research, including Bauman Moscow State Technical University and Samara University where I received my master’s and postgraduate degrees. Both states encourage academic staff exchange and cooperation through student exchange programs and talent attraction. I believe that the experience of studying in Russia will be a great bonus for my future work, especially in promoting inter-university cooperation. I hope to make an impact in the internationalization of the university and contribute to the friendship between China and Russia. Contributing to the development of the space industry is my goal, and I will work to realize it.

Source: perspectum.info