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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Designing the Interuniversity Campus Has Started in the Samara Region

Designing the Interuniversity Campus Has Started in the Samara Region

Самарский университет

The facility will be built in the unique recreational territory adjacent to the Solidarity Samara Arena stadium

22.09.2023 2023-09-29
In the Samara Region, in framework of the National Project “Science and Universities,” the project for creating the international interuniversity campus is being implemented.

Designing the large-scale facility will be implemented by the Studio 44Architectural Bureau, the work has already started. Designing is scheduled to have been completed by September 2024.

Recall that, on behalf of the President of Russia, 25 modern campuses will appear in the country by 2030, including those built with using public-private partnership mechanisms. The campuses are built within the National Project “Science and Universities.”

The Samara Region’s application for co-financing of the project from the federal budget was selected by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in last-year November. As the result of the second phase of the competition, the province has become one of 9 constituent entities of the country, where such sites will be created. The concept of creating the facility was developed under guidance of the Governor Dmitry Azarov.

In April of this year, the Samara Region was selected as a pilot region for application of participatory design methods, which will involve all key audiences in the design process of the interuniversity campus.

In the summer, two working sessions on the co-participating design “Samara: Designing the campus of the future” were held with involvement of the student community, architects of the city and the region.

Recently, the regional Ministry of Economic Development organized another session, in which key users of the campus under development — universities of the Samara Region, REC “Engineering of the Future,” the Zhiguli Valley Technopark — took part.

“The Samara Region, together with federal-centre colleagues, representatives of scientific community, industrial partners, has actively joined implementation of this mega-project. Step by step, we determine what the campus should be, in order to contribute to scientific and technological development of the region and the whole country, to be a place of attraction for talented young people who are ready to live and work in their native land. There is still a lot of work ahead, but I am sure that together we will create a truly unique facility,” said Dmitry Bogdanov, Minister of Economic Development and Investment of the Samara Region.

Investments for constructing the campus exceed 39 billion rubles. These are funds from the federal budget, as well as funds that the concessionaire, ProCampus No. 1, will attract from extra-budgetary sources. The creditors will be RF VEB and Sberbank PJSC. The facility is scheduled to be put into operation in 2027. The total area of the campus, including residential, scientific, educational and sports and service blocks, will be at least 143 thousand m2. The campus will be built in the unique recreational territory, in the most promising area of the northern part of the city of Samara, adjacent to the Solidarity Samara Arena stadium.

Source: samregion.ru