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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Scientists from Ethiopia Have Received the International PhD Degree at Samara University

Scientists from Ethiopia Have Received the International PhD Degree at Samara University

Самарский университет

Foreign students have defended their dissertations at the Department of Aviation Engineering

20.10.2023 2023-11-03
This week, two foreign scientists received the international PhD degree at Samara University. The candidates were Ethiopian citizens – Desta Abebe Bekele and Dubbessa Mulubirhan Hailu. They completed their PhD studies at Samara University under the program “Aviation and Rocket-Space Technology”, and presented their scientific works to the Dissertation Council chaired by Andrey Prokofiev, First Vice Rector, who is also Vice-Rector for Research.

The scientific supervisor of the candidates was Mikhail Kovalev, Professor of the Department of Aircraft Maintenance, Vice Rector of Samara University, and the readers were Georgy Makaryants, Head of the Department of Aircraft Maintenance at Samara University, and Sabit Kurtaev, First Deputy Head of Educational and Scientific Work at Begeldinov Military Institute of Air Defense Forces (Republic of Kazakhstan). The defense was held in Russian.

The theme of Desta Abebe Bekele’s dissertation is “Development of the method for assessing the technical state of hydraulic system units of an aircraft, based on the analysis of the operating fluid state”, and the theme of Dubbessa Mulubirhan Hailu’s is “Methodology of the installation, control and testing processes for board systems of aircrafts”.
In his scientific work, Desta Abebe Bekele noted that technical state of the operating fluid has the significant effects on the state of the hydraulic system units of the aircraft. Therefore, parameters of the operating fluid are an important diagnostic sign of the hydraulic system state. Monitoring the dynamics of changes in parameters makes it possible to identify and eliminate symptoms of equipment failure in a timely manner.

Members of the Dissertation Council noted practical significance of the candidate’s scientific work, emphasizing its high-quality performance, deserving positive assessment. Desta Abebe Bekele thanked the Dissertation Council for the high assessment. He heads a department at an aircraft plant in Ethiopia, and the PhD degree will help him in his career advancement.

In Dubbessa Mulubirhan Hailu’s scientific work “Methodology of the installation, control and testing processes for board systems of aircrafts”, issues of one of the most complex aircraft systems – the cable network, its laying and functioning – were considered. In his dissertation, the candidate, among other things, considered tasks of automation in the production process of such a network.

Members of the Dissertation Council unanimously voted to award him the PhD degree. Dubbessa Mulubirhan Hailu, who is the head of the research department of the repair and restoration aircraft plant in Ethiopia, noted in his response that the knowledge gained at Samara University would help him at all stages of his work.

Vladimir Bogatyrev, Rector of Samara University, congratulated foreign scientists on receiving the PhD degrees: “This is a significant event in your life, as well as in the life of Samara University. There are few universities in Russia that offer their own PhD programs. The University is one of the best aerospace research and educational centres in the country, and the dissertations you have defended are of the highest quality not only in our country, but also in the world. I am sure that the knowledge gained here will allow you to build successful career”.

In response, foreign scientists thanked the Dissertation Council and noted that for all 5 years of study at Samara University, the attitude to them was very kind. “We have received high-quality education. The knowledge and skills acquired here will be useful to us throughout our lives, at every stage of our careers”, noted the citizens of Ethiopia.

For reference:

Currently, about a thousand foreign students from 67 countries receive higher education at Samara University.