федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Campus as a Magnet for Talented Youth and Industrial Partners

Campus as a Magnet for Talented Youth and Industrial Partners

Самарский университет

The complete interuniversity campus construction framework has been approved

10.11.2023 2023-11-24
This week Dmitry Azarov, the Governor of the Samara Region, held another meeting on establishment of the International Interuniversity Campus next to the Solidarity Samara Arena stadium.
At the meeting, the Samara University was represented by Viktor Soifer, Academician of the RAS and the President of the University, and its Rector Vladimir Bogatyrev.

The region became entitled to implement the project due to its powerful academic potential and the well-prepared application which had been considered one of the best by the federal competition results. The project was supported by the President of the Russian Federation.

“We create a new modern academic and public space in the heart of the Samara-Togliatti Agglomeration — the most promising territory nowadays. The campus is the main magnet which will undoubtedly help the region gain momentum for further development,” Dmitry Azarov assures.

Let us recall that a month ago specialists from the Studio 44 architectural bureau presented two preliminary designs for future location of academic and residential units of the campus. In the course of discussion, some suggestions were given by rectors of leading universities of the Samara Region and the members of the region’s Public Chamber.

Anton Yar-Skryabin, a chief architect of the project, noted that all the suggestions and initiatives were taken into account when refining the projects, which resulted in the third option proposed for consideration. The new framework provides for preservation of a large urban public space which will then give way to buildings and premises for the actual academic campus. The will be followed by a residential sector, schools, office centres, service facilities, sports structures, cultural sites and exhibition areas. They will be divided with a buffer zone — a landscaped territory that can be subsequently lined with additional athletic grounds or capital construction facilities. “In the framework of a new project we suggest employing the first floor of academic units with laboratories, and the upper ones — with lecture rooms,” Anton Yar-Skryabin added.

Based on the discussion results, Dmitry Azarov approved the presented framework of the international campus. “We turned to our partner ProShkola and an architectural bureau to specify a whole lot of standpoints, delivered some remarks, listened to the rectors. The framework was adjusted, so in fact it is the third version that has been presented today,” Dmitry Azarov emphasized summarizing the results of the meeting. “During the meeting today we have approved this framework which provides for the basis of architectural solutions, among other things, which is very important. Also, a significant decision was made to start implementing the project with a residential part to accommodate the students, as accommodation is in high demand in our universities nowadays. Now, an active design phase is starting.”

Dmitry Bogdanov, Acting Minister of Economic Development, shared some details regarding the approved framework of international campus construction. According to him, the concept provides for additional development of the territory even after key objects are put in service. “It will let the industrial partners that will work simultaneously with the universities create their own facilities, engineering centres, train high-grade specialists to promote science, technologies, to develop critical services in the field of healthcare, propulsion engineering, engineering, unmanned technologies,” Acting Minister shared. A special emphasis is made on creating suitable conditions for talented youth to live in. According to Dmitry Bogdanov, the best global standards will be considered: “Also, it will definitely increase competitive advantage of the Samara Region when it comes to the fight for personnel, the most creative and capable people that will build the future for our country.”
For reference:

The Federal Project on Modern Campus Network Construction is implemented in the framework of the Science and Universities National Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

By now, the project roadmap has already been formed in the Samara Region; on June 16, 2023, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the agreement with the concessionaire — ProCampus No. 1 LLC (part of the State Corporation ProShkola, VEB.RF) — was signed: the facility parameters were defined: its total area of at least 143,384 m2, accommodation capacity of at least 5,000 places. The project implementation deadline is 2027. The funding partly involves federal and regional budgets, as well as the concessionaire’s funds.

Source: samregion.ru