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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
1.5 Billion Rubles for the International Interuniversity Campus

1.5 Billion Rubles for the International Interuniversity Campus

Самарский университет

This amount is allocated by VEB.RF for designing and preparing the territory for the large-scale project

12.01.2024 2024-02-06
The VEB.RF State Development Corporation will allocate a bridge loan for designing and preparing construction of the international interuniversity campus in Samara, next to the Solidarity Arena Stadium. The decision on allocating 1.5 billion rubles was made by the VEB.RF Credit Committee at the end of December 2023.

Let us recall that the project of the interuniversity campus in Samara was supported by the Russian President Vladimir Putin and was selected for co-financing from the federal budget as part of the National Project “Science and Universities”.

“Applying public-private partnership (PPP) tools is one of the most effective ways of solving priority state tasks in the social sphere. The Samara Region is one of leading regions in applying the PPP tools, meanwhile the expertise and competence of VEB.RF allows structuring such projects, involving investors and partner banks in them. We will be ready to scale up the experience gained while implementing similar projects in the cities participating in the program”, said Oleg Govorun, Deputy Chairman, a member of the VEB.RF Board.

The student campus is being created under the concession agreement with ProCampus No. 1, LLC (part of the ProShkola Group of Companies, VEB.RF). The cost for the campus to be built is 39.9 billion rubles, of which 11.4 billion rubles are capital grant funds, 24.1 billion rubles are funds to be involved by the concessionaire, 4.4 billion rubles are reimbursable VAT at the investment stage.

The architectural and urban planning concept of the project to be ordered by the ProShkola State Corporation was developed by the “Studio 44” Architectural Bureau, and was supported by participants of the section of the City Council under the Governor of the Samara Region. The concept was agreed upon by Dmitry Azarov, Head of the Region.

“Not only educational buildings, but also public space, residential sector, cultural and sports facilities, exhibition areas and much more, will be constructed in the campus territory”, listed Dmitry Bogdanov, Minister of Economic Development and Investments of the Samara Region. “The campus will certainly increase competitiveness of the Samara Region in the struggle for personnel, for the most creative specialists who are ready to develop outpacing technologies in the most advanced industries”.

At the stage of construction and equipping of the facility, the opportunity for financing the project in framework of the syndicate with participation of partner banks is being considered. VEB.RF plans to organize the syndicate of banks and consider the opportunity for using the Project Finance Factory. The campus operation and the investment reimbursement are designed for 20 years.

As noted by Alisa Denisova, Executive Director of the VEB.RF Business Unit, CEO of ProShkola, LLC of the management organization ProCampus No. 1, LLC, the campus will become not just a centre of student life, but also a driver of Samara’s development, with the park with the walking-route system, separating the study area from the residential one, to be accessible to citizens.

For reference:

The student campus next to the Solidarity Arena Stadium is being created for five Samara universities; it will unite in the same space educational facilities and modern laboratories in the field of propulsion engineering, unmanned technologies, advanced medical technologies, and even a production and testing complex for small-scaled spacecrafts. The total area of the campus is at least 143 thousand sq. m; the campus is designed to accommodate at least 5,000 students.