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The Finale of the Mr. International 2024 Competition Was Held at Samara University

The Finale of the Mr. International 2024 Competition Was Held at Samara University

Самарский университет

The winner and holder of the Title “Mr. International” has become Suhailiy Shirinbegzody

24.04.2024 2024-05-21
On April 19, the major finale concert of Samara University’s Mr. International Competition was held. Traditionally, this event brings together students from far and near abroad.

The Mr. International Competition was held in several stages. The first one was preparatory, it allowed getting acquainted with the participants in absentia. An online voting for the audience award was also organized in the official group. At the finale concert, the participants passed 4 creative tests: the video presentation, the improvisation competition, a creative performance and a fashion show in three images of different styles.

The winner of Samara University’s Mr. International 2024 Competition has become Suhailiy Shirinbegzody.

Mai Xiaozhui was declared Vice Mr. International, and the audience award was given to Ranutrunarizanu Mahefa Miarintsua Nathanael. That evening there were no losers, each of the participants won in one of the nominations:

·         Mr. Style: Hassan Osama
·         Mr. Dignity: Suhailiy Shirinbegzody
·         Mr. Creativity: Hamza Hassan
·         Mr. Romantic: Mai Xiaozhui
·         Mr. Positive: Teymur Huseynov
·         Mr. Creative: Traore Lai
·         Mr. Fitness: Ranutrunarizanu Mahefa Miarintsua Nathanael
·         Mr. Tradition: Ali Yahaiya

The winner of the Competition Suhailiy Shirinbegzody shares his impressions of the concert, “It is a great honor for me to be part of the team of such a big competition. And an even greater honor is that I’ve become Mr. International! This is a huge and unique experience for me, as well as for all the participants, no doubt about it. The preparation was long and hard, but we coped and presented the audience with the wonderful concert!”

Photo: Ekaterina Chernova, the Photo Club “Illuminator”