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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Samara Schoolchildren Will Learn How to Develop the Payload for Satellites

Samara Schoolchildren Will Learn How to Develop the Payload for Satellites

Самарский университет

The educational project “Korolev School” has started

07.05.2024 2024-05-22
The educational project “Korolev School” has started. This is a project for the Samara Region’s senior-school pupils, implemented by Contingent Formation and Support Office of Samara University, and supervised by Sergey Goryainov.

The project includes five educational institutions of the Samara Region, and it is their pupils that will be trained under the educational program: 
  • Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Hero of the Soviet Union Lezin School No. 68”, the city of Samara;
  • Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution “Samara Medical-Technical Lyceum”;
  • Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Samara International Aerospace Lyceum”, the city of Samara;
  • Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Korolev Lyceum ‘Technical’”, the city of Samara;
  • State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School “Educational Centre ‘Yuzhny Gorod (Southern City)’”.
The educational project includes a variety of activities to have been implemented, according to the Project Roadmap, by the end of 2024, namely: the summer educational intensive, thematic lectures, organization for project participants of internships on the basis of one of the relevant companies and, most importantly, continuous project work with the schoolchildren using the payload of the satellite platform. The program is aimed at getting the pupils interested in space issues, teaching them the basics of project work, and demonstrating availability of space technologies to modern Samara schoolchildren.

The project started with the lecture format, schools having already gained access to the University’s scientists and educational technologies. The introductory popular science lecture “Samara University’s Small Spacecrafts” was delivered to the students by Ivan Tkachenko, Director of Institute of Aviation and Space-Rocket Technology, Director of the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School, and Maksim Ivanushkin, Head of Small-Spacecraft Cyber-physical Factory at the Advanced Aerospace Engineering School. At the lecture, the schoolchildren learned which small spacecrafts are developed by Samara University, what functions and tasks such small but very functional devices are capable of performing, what knowledge students will gain and what skills they will improve if they study CubeSat devices together with the University’s scientists.

“The consistent work with schoolchildren within the educational project “Korolev School” provides basic knowledge to future engineering personnel. Those things to be obtained by the schoolchildren during the intensive course are not always available even to first-year students. These include access to the laboratory, communication with experts, and project work. For the boys and girls, this is a big step forward and comprehension why they need to study at all: learn physics, programming, and mathematics. Knowledge opens up access to the areas unavailable for many people. The University, of course, needs such motivated and trained applicants,” said Ivan Tkachenko.

The next bright point of the learning program is the educational intensive course at the end of the academic year. 25 schoolchildren will devote an entire week to experiments and testing radar equipment on CubeSat 16U satellites. After the intensive course, continuous project work with schoolchildren will start, using the payload of the satellite platform. During the first half of the 2024–2025 academic year, students from the technical classes of the above schools will join teams of up to 5 people and develop projects related to the payload for the nanosatellite. Completed project works will replenish the schoolchildren’s portfolio and allow them to advantageously represent themselves, as well as the Samara Region, at various competitions and conferences.

For reference:

The educational intensive course “Korolev School” is implemented by Samara National Research University in framework of the grant from the Innovation Promotion Fund (the VEB.RF Group) for financial provision of logistical support for projects within the Program “Planet Duty Officer” (Stage 15) “Experimental testing in outer space of radar equipment and the Cubesat 16U format platform, aimed at stimulating young people’s scientific, innovative and project activities in monitoring the Earth and near-Earth space”, as well as within the University’s program “Development and implementation of the additional scientific and educational program for working with schoolchildren, using the payload of the satellite platform ‘Experimental testing in outer space of radar equipment and the Cubesat 16U format platform’” (included in the Federal Program “Priority 2030”).