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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
Samara University in China

Samara University in China

Самарский университет

The University took part in the program of events within the collaboration between Russian and Chinese universities

03.05.2024 2024-05-22
As part of the Russian delegation, Samara University participated in the program of events aimed at developing collaboration in education between Russian universities and Chinese educational institutions.

The delegation included Kristina Vorotyntseva, Deputy Head of Samara University’s Contingent Formation and Support Office, and representatives of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. The visit to China was organized by the Foreign-Applicants Recruitment Company “Friendship Bridge” and the Tangshan Eastern Educational Corporation (Tangshan, Hebei Province).

On April 23–24, 2024, in Tangshan, the delegation visited three schools in framework of the program. For graduate students of Tangshan Oriental School, Tangshan Experimental School and Yuping School, presentations of educational programs and learning opportunities at Samara University were held.

On April 25–26, 2024, the 2nd Educational Forum on Bilingual Literacy Development took place, to be supported by the Chinese History Society and the Tangshan Committee on Language and Writing.
At the Forum grand opening, Zhang Guofu, President of the Tangshan Eastern Educational Corporation, Liu Lin, President of the Chinese Association of Private Education, Li Xiaowei, a member of the party leadership group and Deputy Director of the Tangshan Municipal Education Department, and Zeng Jun, a member of the Standing Committee of Shanghai University’s Party Committee, made their speeches.

The Forum was participated by over 50 experts and scientists from more than 20 universities in China and foreign partners, such as Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Southeast University, Peking University, East China University of Science and Technology, Northeastern University, Shanxi University, East China Normal University. Over 600 people, including elementary, middle and senior school teachers, as well as parents, took part in the Forum.

Within the Forum, it was possible to present Samara University, and consider the opportunity for Chinese students to take part in the University’s International Online Olympiad for pupils in grades 10–12, implementation of educational programs on training bachelors and masters jointly with Chinese universities, academic exchanges between universities, as well as participation of Chinese students in Samara University’s International Summer and Winter Schools.

“For Samara University, this business trip means the opportunity to attract talented Chinese youth to Russia, to Samara, to our University’s educational programs, as well as to promote the Russian language and culture in the People’s Republic of China. Participation in such events allows expanding partnerships for further international cooperation. I hope that the trip will result in signing the cooperation agreement with the Tangshan Eastern Educational Corporation,” noted Kristina Vorotyntseva, Deputy Head of Contingent Formation and Support Office.